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Hello, um yeah this probably isn't historically accurate but I just thought it was a cute idea idk but yeah.

| Annies POV |

The gates creaked open and my fathers car continued the drive up the road towards the boarding school. My father was sending me here in hopes he could continue with his work without having to care for me at home since my mother was absent. I knew he struggled to care for me, his work was taking up most of his time and I was just a bother to him at present. I knew that he loved me truly but he was just doing what's best for me. I hope. 

The car pulled up at the front of the large stone building and the driver stepped out before holding my door open for me. I thanked him pulling my trunk from the backseat and turning to the building. 

The school was very grand and it made me feel rather small. I sighed lightly moving to the front door and pushing the heavy wood open.

I located my room entering to see six beds, three on each side of the room. There were small nightstands with little lamps perched at the side of each bed and large trunks just like mine at the end on each bed, except one in the far corner. 

I moved to the bed and pushed my trunk to the bottom of the bed and fitted the sheets that had been folded on top of the matress. No one was in the dorm at the time since it was last class. They should be here soon.

A woman delivered my uniform to me after I had made my bed and put away some necessities in my nightstand. I got dressed into the clothing and sat on my bed, watching the clock. Counting down the minutes until I faced my roomates.

A bell chimed loudly outside and seconds later the sound of chatter and the clacking of shoes could be heard. Five girls entered the room all chattering with each other but the speaking came to an abrupt stop as they turn in my direction. 

One of the girls smiled sweetly at me and the other girls soon followed. "Hello. Welcome to Crowell Boarding School." A girl with curly brown hair grinned. 

I smiled shyly standing up and smoothing down the rather short skirt. "My name is Annie, I just got here a few moments ago." 

"My name's Margeret." Chirped the girl who had welcomed me. She turned and began introducing the other girls. "This is Alice," She pointed to a ginger haired girl who waved sweetly. "Tilly and Lillian, they're twins. Clearly." They both had jet black hair with stunning blue eyes, but one was airily looking around the room while the other smiled back at Margeret. "This is Jennifer." She gestured to a caramel haired girl who's hair was braided in two plaits and was fiddling with the hem of her skirt. 

I ran through their names in my head once more to remember them and then nodded. "Nice to meet you all." They all moved to their own beds or their vanity desks and began to chatter amongst themselves. Margeret made her way swiftly over to me. She was very pretty, and her figure curved in all the right places, quite frankly I was jealous. 

"Can I plait your hair?" She asked suddenly. I complied moving to the vanity desk and sitting in front of the mirror and she began seperating my hair. "You're very pretty." She complimented. 

"Thank you." I tried not to wince as she tugged too hard at my hair, I didn't want her to have ill thoughts towards me.

She finished with my hair tying small forest green ribbons at the end of each braid before cooing at how cute I looked. I grinned thanking her again. The bell sounded again out side and the rest of the girls began to file out the room. 

"Thats the Dinner bell. Come on, you shouldn't be late, that would leave a bad impression on you." Margeret scolded hooking her arm through mine and catching up to the other girls as we made our way to the hall.

We lined up outside the hall before being ushered in by teachers and sat at long tables inside. The room was seperated boys and girls going up in age as the tables did. After all the school had been seated and the small chatter died down a teacher called for out attention. 

"Can we all stand for the Headmaster." He projected his voice. The hall all stood in unison the wooden benches screeching against the polished wood flooring. There was a silence as a man in a tweed suit entered the hall and made his way to the table at the head of the hall where other teachers sat. He stood in front of a chair in the middle of the row of seats and cleared his throat. "You may sit." He told us.

Once we were all seated the chatter started up again and the dinerladies began their round with the trays of food.I took this time to look at the people around the hall. All the girls were in the same sort of uniform as me and the boys in blazers and trousers, unlike us girls who had skirts and either sweaters or cardigans. I could feel a pair of eyes on me and I looked round the other poeple. One of the teachers must have spotted me in my daydreaming. 

But my eyes connected with a pair on a table two up from my own. It was a boy, with curly brown hair that came to the nape of his neck, I couldn't make out the colour of his eyes from the distance but his eyes soon snapped away as he went to eat his food.

I turned and began eating my own food thinking nothing of the boy, though he was very attractive he was probably trouble and being two tables up from my own meant that he was two years above me. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and finished my food.

When I got back to my room the rest of the girls began to change into their nightgowns and use the sink in the corner of the room to wash their face and teeth. I slipped on my nightgown and turned to Alice. "Do you know where the bathroom is?" 

"Of course, its down the hall, three doors down, it has 'Toilet' written on the door so you shouldn't miss it." She told me brushing out her hair.

I moved into the hallway closing the door behind me. There were dim yellow lights dotted down the corridor, supplying minimal light so I trailed my hand along the wall as to not trip myself up. I stopped when I saw a sillouhette of a figure in the shadows.

"Who's there?" I called into the darkness. 

There was a throaty chuckle before the figure stepped into a lit part of the hallway. It was the boy from before who had been looking at me in the hall. I flushed, I was only in a nightgown and I felt exposed.

"Why are you in the girls wing? I'm sure they seperated the boys from girls."

"They did, I just wanted to walk around."

"Well if you'll excuse me." I moved past and entered the door Alice had said was the bathroom. I did my buisness and turned off the light before exiting. I jumped slightly as I saw the boy still standing where I had left him. "Can you please leave or I will go and find a teacher."

He chuckled again and I flushed. This was embarrassing. "Whatever you say, doll." He pushed himself off the wall and sauntered off into the darkness.

What a strange boy.


So yeah thats all for now, I just thought it was a nice idea and I like writing so yeah. I hope you like it and it probably wont get many veiws because only good books get veiws but whatever writing entertains me. See you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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