chapter 8

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Kyrie POV

I can't believe it.

I'm getting ready for a date with Lebron James.

A freaking date.

How did I even get to this point?

Earlier that week.

So if it's alright with you guys... we would like to put you guys in a fake relationship.  

"What???" I exclaimed. She can be serious.  Absolutely not.

"It's just until you guys aren't in the public eye anymore. Also this is just a suggestion, you can decline. But the video is very persuasive.  We're not sure if the public will believe that your not together. The baby rumors will die down once you guys come out with it. " she explained.

I mean logically it makes sense but I still don't want to do it. We're in such a good place in our friendship. I can't lose that.

"Let's do it. " Lebron said suddenly.

"Are you kidding me?? " I asked.

"Well it only seems like logical thing to do plus it's not forever. " Lebron explained.

I turn to him and sigh. "I guess your right."

"Ok then. Now we just need to announce it publicly.  Later on tonight maybe you guys can hint your relationship on social media. Then we can see up a press conference for tomorrow to officially announce it, we'll go from there.  Questions?" She asked.

"No" we bother said at the same time.

We both walk out of the room in our own thoughts.

How is this suppose to work. I've tried my best to conquer my feelings for Lebron and I'm was somewhat successful... ok not really but this will put everything out of order.

I glance over at Lebron to see him looking ahead. Then his eyes suddenly reach mine.

"Kyrie look I'm really sorry about all of this. Are you sure you wanna go through with this. We can go back in that office and call this all off. I just want to to be comfortable." He rambled with guilty expression.

"Bron it's not your fault. It is that reports fault for ease dropping on us. Look your right the only logical thing it to use this as an advantage.  Besides you can be that bad of a fake boyfriend? " I said with a smirk.

He laughed.  "Baby I'll be the best fake boyfriend you've ever had. "

"Oh really we'll see about that."

We make back to my condo first without any paparazzi.  Lebron walked me to my door and was about to leave but I stopped him.

"Hey wait, do you uh,  do you wanna come in for a bit? You don't have to if you don't want to. I mean we already spent most if the day together. Never mind what was I thinking yo-"

"Kyrie.  "

I stopped talking immediately.  Lebron kind of has that effect on people.

He continued.  "I would like to come in if that's cool with you?"

"Yeah. Come in."

"Wow this is nice Ky." Lebron comments.

"Wait you never been here." I ask. I'm surprised I never invited him in. I've been to his house but that was with most of the team.

"Nah, I guess I never had a reason to come in." He shrugged.

"Well make yourself at home.  Do you want anything too eat or drink?"

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