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Before we start this chapter I wanted to let y'all know i made a Spotify playlist for this story. It's called "I love you luka but you love her." It won't let me add the link on her for some reason but just incase y'all wanna listen to it while reading just thought I'd let y'all know:)

" It won't let me add the link on her for some reason but just incase y'all wanna listen to it while reading just thought I'd let y'all know:)

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What you're wearing to the party shawtys😩

It was the day of the stupid party you promised to go to

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It was the day of the stupid party you promised to go to. You were already there but Luka was no where to be found. You walked around trying to find Adrian even though you weren't sure he was there because he wasn't answering your calls. He was there alright just talking to Marinette. As soon as you saw them you immediately went the other direction. Why did you even let people talk you into these things. While walking back from the direction you came from you saw Luka come through the door. You smiled and walked up to him happy to see him.

"Hey loser" you said while giving him a hug.

"How long have you been here? I hope not too long I was just caught up with some Kitty section stuff.

"Sadly I've been here for a while."

"Uh sorry" he chuckled "well where's Mari at? Have you seen her?" He looked around the room.

Of course. You knew that would be one of the first things he would say to you.
"Actually shes with Adrian I think they're talking so better not to bother them"

"Oh okay well do you wanna go get a drink or something?" You nodded and followed him.

You thought party's were fun but there was a few things you hated about them. You hated the loud noises and the guys there. Thankfully you knew how to take care of yourself and you wouldn't take any bull shit from them. But a few times Lukas had to step in and pretend to be your boyfriend so they would leave you alone.

After a while of being there Mari and Adrian came and found us. You were already a little tipsy and you just wanted to let loose. You whispered to Adrian asking if he wanted to dance and he accepted.

"Hey me and Adrian are gonna go dance we will be back." You pulled his arm to the dance floor but before you left you got a glimpse of Luka and Maris faces. Luka had the weird look again and mari looked jealous. You didn't really care about how she felt because she was taking the one thing you cared about away from you.


"Hey so what's up you seem kinda off"

Rolling your eyes you replied that you were fine but he knew that wasn't true.

Playing: I feel like god by DeadbyRomy
"0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 999%"

You turned around facing him with a sneaky smirk. "You wanna try and make them jealous?"

He laughed " and how are we gonna do that"

"Well the perfect song just came on to do that to" he then got the same smirk on his face and nodded.

You took a sneak at Luka and mari they were obviously watching you two. Dancing was your thing and since you and Adrian became friends he's gotten really good at it as well. You guys started dancing and it didn't take song for you guys to get Comfortable with eachother. It kinda felt like dancing on the side of the street in the middle of the night or dancing in your room. Except this time y'all were dancing on eachother and things were more heated since all of the people.

"They're looking at us" he whispered in your ear.

" oh I know" you laughed

Y'all kept it up for a while but eventually got kinda tired and went back over to we're they were sitting.

"Y'all finished now" Luka stated

"Woahhh" you laughed "what's up with the attitude"

" sorry, nothing" his mood changed instantly

"I'm bored and I want a drink" you sighed begging to walk away

" don't drink to much"

~~~~~ time skip

After a while of drinking you began to get bored and had a great idea. Walking back over to we're they were sitting you could tell that Adrian was feeling left out.

" I have a amazing idea"

"What is it?" Mari asked

Turing around to everyone else at the party you yelled telling everyone who wanted to play spin the bottle to come sit in a circle in the middle of the room. The turning back around to Luka, mari and Adrian and smiled making your way over to the circle.

A lot of people sat in the circle all of which you all knew.

"All right let's get started." Sitting an empty bottle in the middle.

Luka whispered in your ear "I told you not to drink so much"

"That's a small amount for me" you winked

"Now who wants to spin first!"

Rose raised a hand saying she would go first.

The game went on and the bottle still hasn't landed on any of the 4 of you until it was maris turn.

And guess who it landed on


Just great

You looked at Adrain In kind of a panic.

You got up walking over to her and everyone's started laughing.

"Oh this is gonna be good" some random ass guy said

"You ready you asked" she nodded slowly

Bending down you grabbed her not hard and kissed her. A lot of people were laughing and saying shit. You found it kinda funny but you also didn't wanna kiss her. I mean it was better then her kissing Luka, right?

After that was over, you sat back down and Adrian looked shocked.

"I didn't think you would actually do it." He stayed

"I'm no pussy" laughing

Then out of no we're someone yelled " f*ck 12! Everyone run cops are here!"

You've been in this situation many times and instantly knew what to do. Turning to Adrian "get the f*ck out of here now"

Taking Lukas hand without hesitation pulled him to the back door.

"Y/n what about Mari?!"

With out saying anything you kept leading him the backdoor.


"We've gotta get out of here"


I'm so sorry this chapter took so long😭 ive been busy with school and my mental health is terrible I'm really trying but I'm super glad y'all are enjoying this story

I'm also super tired so sorry if they're is any mistakes

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