3 (Dex)

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Me and my club pull up to Teller-morrow. We're ready for whatever it is they're throwing at us. Looks like the sons are all milling around the parking lot. As soon as I park my bike Clay comes to meet us.
"Is this your whole crew?" Clay asks.
"No, we have 9 fully patched and 3 prospects. I'm leaving 1 prospect at the hotel. She's only been with us for a month so we're still breaking her in. Also something you should know. I've only been president of the Sisters for about three weeks now. The last president, my big sister Nikko, killed herself. So you see my club is still grieving. We're just looking for purpose. A reason to keep going." I inform.
"Sorry about you sister." He
"So what's going down?" I say cutting to the chase
"So the plan is simple. The Mayans own a private airstrip a half hour north of Charming. Its what they use to import Cocaine. We're going to go in with aks  kill anyone on sight and blow any buildings to shit."
"Solid plan." I compliment. Even though it seems lazy, but I don't have much choice here. Its strange talking business with my uncle.
"Do one of your girls know how to set explosives?"
"Yeah. Shiva does. She served in the Canadian army for 5 years as an explosives and weapons specialist."
"We should have everything she needs. Anyways its good having you here niece. Wish Nikko were still around."
"Yeah me too." I agree sullenly
"Now you better make me proud. We're leaving at 1:30."
"I'll try my best." I awkwardly smile. He silently walks back to where Jax is.
"Sisters!" I shout as I lean on my bike.
I don't get how Nikko did this for so long I feel like I'm already starting to burn out from the stress of carrying the club. It doesn't help that I'm riddled with grief. If things go south with the sons I don't know what I'm going to do.
"Dex" someone says pulling me out of my thoughts. I look to see everyone crowded around me.
I explain the job to them all without interruption.
"I'm counting on you all. Make a good impression. But also keep your guard up. Yes our club has some close ties to their's. That doesn't mean we're safe. We should know if Charming is our place by tomorrow."
Everyone nods in approval.
"Dex can I get a moment with you?" Ardyn asks. She seems worried
"Yeah. Give us some privacy I order." The girls go and join the sons.
"Whats up?" I question
"I'm certain both my brothers still live in this town. When we left those years ago David was just starting out in the police and Jacob was trying to start his own development company. I just need to know that you have my back when they come looking for me."
"When the time comes whatever you need."
"Thank you" she smiles I pull her into a brief hug. She still looks worried
"You're worried David will arrest you." I state
"I really am." She confesses
"He wants me on misdemeanor charges."
"What for?"
"Drunk and disorderly."
"Anything else I should know?"el
"Last time I saw David he tried to arrest me. So I kicked him in the nuts and then the throat before I escaped. So he may also want me for assault of police officer."
"Oh so you could be facing jail time if he still wants to press charges."
"That's why you were so reluctant to come back here. We'll get you a lawyer and get you clear of this shit."
"He may drop the charges all together but I need to be sure the club has my back. I'm not the same person I was back then. I was really fucked up back then."
"Yeah. You were a mess. Glad we got your act together."
"Thank-you Rose." She says using my real name
"You're family Susan." I say using her real name
"You know I hate that name." She complains
"And I hate being called Rose." I glare
"Then we're even."
"Sure." I roll my eyes and chuckle
"Then shall we go join them?" She gestures at everyone. I look to see and I recognize a few of the guys. Aside from  Clay, Jax, Chibs, and Juice. I recognize Piney, and Bobby.
"Yes." I say as I walk towards Piney. Good to know he's alive and well. Emmie is stood talking to him.
"Hey Piney." I greet with a smile
"Dexter never thought I'd see you back here."
"Well shit happens."
"Where's Nikko?"he questions looking around
I know I should expect people to ask about her but it still catches me off guard.
I open my mouth to speak but Emmie beats me to it.
"Dad, Nikko passed away 3 weeks ago."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Yeah thanks."
"Now go catch up with Jax. He's your family."
"Right, see you old man."
"Bye kid"
I walk over to Jax. He's talking to a guy with curly black hair who looks vaguely familiar. Just then hear i hear loud engines revving. Sounds like they're getting closer. "Hey Jax are you expecting anyone?"
"Just You're club. Follow me" He states and walks inside the clubhouse. He leads Me onto the roof. A bunch of guys on motorcycles pull up 
"It's the Mayans."
"DISPARO" one them shouts. They l pull out guns and shoot at the club  members below. One of them must notice us up here cause I feel something hit my left shoulder.
"Oh fuck" I feel another bullet hit the thigh on the same side. I let myself fall backwards. I feel arms catch me before I hit the ground. I look to see I'm cradled in Jax's arms.  I hear lots of yelling down below.
"Get the twins. They both used to be paramedics." I say as I hear a bunch of motorcycles drive off. The shots weren't loud must've had silencers. Jax gently sets me down and goes to the edge of the roof. I focus on him I'm trying to ignore the pain. Its not working very well. Both wounds hurt like a bitch.
"Dex is hit i need the twins."
"Devyn is tending to Tig I'll send Ivy." I hear Emmie shout.
"Anyone else hit?"
"Just our fucking bikes." Chibs shouts angrily.
I hear foot steps come up beside me. I glance over to see Ivy.
"Of course you get shot, Prez." She kneels down beside me.
"Hey pretty boy. Help me get her cut off." I don't know what happens next cause I pass out from the pain.

The Only Hope For Me Is You (oc x Chibs Telford)Where stories live. Discover now