This isn't like the simulations!

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Sacrilege! Blasphemy!

How dare the Fates subject me to the same dreams! I've come back to save the world again and they refuse to show me pleasant dreams of me frolicking in the corals?!

Instead, I have to endure the same nightmare about murderous livestock! How is the world so unfair?!

It was unspeakably boring to rewatch Kronos bitching about the 'selfish' and 'pathetic' Gods again. At least I found his anger at my nonchalance on the whole subject amusing. His cry of frustration and indignance was loud enough to wake me up for good.

My eyes fluttered open slowly, squinting hugely to adjust to the bright light.

"What will happen at the summer solstice?", a familiar voice questioned. My eyes focused on a pair of intimidating grey eyes and princess blonde curls over me, holding a bowl of Ambrosia with a spoon in her hand.

I groaned. Oh gods, I would have to deal with curious Annabeth once more. I put my hands on my face and moaned in submission at her curiosity.

"Water?" I croaked out through my parched throat. Her eyes widened at my voice as she scrambled to get up and bring me my life-source. I almost laughed at her rushing to get a jug of water. Clearly, she didn't expect me to wake up and have coherent thoughts this soon.

Then again, knowing Annabeth, she would have wished for me to be drowsy, so she could quench her insatiable thirst for knowledge by getting honest answers from me.

'Wow, Percy, I must admit you know her well', A voice quipped in my head.

Now, I admit, I was getting used to hearing voices of deities popping out in my head at the most random of times, it still was hella weird for me.

I squeaked in surprise at the sound, which led to a curious yet amused snort courtesy of Annabeth. "Here you go." She said, handing me a glass of water. I muttered a 'thanks' and downed the glass, my parched throat feeling rejuvenated from the water.

'Artemis? Was that you?' I asked excitedly.

She laughed at my enthusiasm before replying, 'Damn, Percy, I didn't know you were this excited to see me', she teased.

I blushed a bit. 'According to Nyx, I wasn't the only one', I shot back.

'W-what-I don't-No', she spluttered her words briefly before composing herself and letting out a childish, 'Shut up'

I snickered. 'Eloquent'

'Where are Chaos and Nyx, by the way?', I questioned with a frown.

Normally, Nyx would've piped up with a peppy remark, but she seemed silent. So, either, she had inexplicably matured (unlikely) or she, along with Chaos, was absent.

Artemis seemed to shrug, 'I don't know. They said it was an important event they had to attend on their planet.'

'They lied', I deadpanned.

Artemis blinked. 'What?'

'They aren't attending some super important event. They're celebrating Halloween and trick-or-treating', I said nonchalantly.

Artemis blinked once, then twice. '...right..'

I snickered at her eloquence. Or lack thereof. She just huffed and ignored me. I was about to torment her more but I remembered Annabeth was still observing me. I turned to her and saw her give me a weird look. I suppose I would too if saw a kid just blushing and laughing randomly like an idiot. I stared at her for a minute, blinking owlishly (hehe pun) as she studied me.

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