Thegentleman x mr cheese pt 2

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Ok first of all go read pt 1 because this wouldn't make much sense
Second of all THX FOR THE 20+ VIEWS
Enough chatter let's go
Mr eggs POV
I was about to have my moment, I planned it all in my head it would be beautiful

But no

OF CORSE he had to come ruin it

I sprinted to the doors but they shut just as I was about to exit
It was just the 2 of us

Alone in the room

With an imposter

And no way out


Nobody's POV
Mr cheese wanted revenge on mr egg for stealing
His gentleman

So with mr egg by the door mr cheese on the vent, holding a knife and the gentleman still backed up on the wall it was time for one of them to die

Mr cheese charged at mr egg. He got his knife out and stabbed him repeatedly over and over again

He last thing mr egg saw was mr cheese with a big smile and his blood stained knife

The gentleman's POV
I couldn't believe it
I knew this was just a game but then how comes i felt absolutely terrified

Mr cheese came up to me covered and dripping in blood

"The gentleman I know you won't tell. Will you?"

And just like that he hopped into the vents

For a few moments I was to flabbergasted to even make a noise let alone move but those few moments passed and i grudged over to mr eggs body

It looked terrible blood oozing out of every wound and the glass on his visor was cracked, I kneeled next to him and reported the body

We all spawned in the cafeteria
"Mr eggs body was in electrical but I didn't see anyone" I couldn't tell on mr cheese I wanted to but something inside of me couldn't

"Hey I'm not sure but I think I saw bro in electrical"player said
"What? I was in there at the start of the game way before mr egg died!" he replied

As bro and player argued and some of the crew joined, mr cheese kept looking at me funny but I couldn't quite describe his expression

Was it surprised or happy I couldn't tell
In the end we all voted player for accusing bro

.    。    •   ゚  。   .

   .      .     。   。 .  

.   。      ඞ 。 .    •     •

  ゚   Player was not An Impostor.  。 .

  '    3 Impostors remain     。

  ゚   .   . ,    .  .

When the meeting ended mr cheese pulled me into electrical, mr eggs body was gone but the blood stains still remained,
"The gentleman, do you hate me?"he said whith tears swelling in his eyes

"Of course not" I replied "I love you, no matter how much I shout or hit you"
"I wuv you too." He said planting a kiss on my cheek

We sat in electrical for a while cuddling with each other and me showering him with sorrys

Eventually stoner came in to do his tasks but mr cheese shot him and he won

To be honest I wasn't upset that I lost I'm just glad we made up

"WHY DO I NEVER WIN THIS GAME!?"player shouted in the distance but veteran and captain just laughed

Mr cheese came up to me and pulled me into a deep kiss and of course gnome and goober were fangirling

I told mr egg I didn't need him anymore
"Yeah obviously" he said, storming off

Mr egg left the game

OMG so cuteee >///<
Ok so tell me what other ships I should do in the future
588 words

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