L.H ~ "Please?" pt.1

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*Ring Ring- Ring Ring*
Y/N: "AISH! WHO'S CALLING ME AT 10!?" *Reaches over to answer the phone* Hello? (Exhaustingly) who is this?
Caller- "Uhh... y/n, c-can we meet up?"
Y/N- "Heeseun-..OH HEESEUNG?!"

Y/n and Heeseung have been friends for over 5 years. Y/n started developing feelings for him until he got into a relationship with Insoo, who was known for having a mischievous mind. Mischievous as in 'PLAYER'. Heeseung went into the relationship blindly and didn't know anything about her.. but he truly loved her and he couldn't miss the opportunity to be her boyfriend.

No matter how many times others tried to warn him, his stubbornness stood with him and continued to believe in all the things she's said; from 'My mom is sick..' to leaving him on read. Yet, he still stuck around, trying to be an understanding boyfriend.

~Back to convo.~

Y/N: "HEESEUNG!? Wait- why do you wanna meet up at this time? It's late and we have school tomorrow and-"
Heeseung: " Y/N!? WHY DID SHE LEAVE?! *sniffs* J-just.. why? What did I do wrong?.. Can you please come over.. *sobs* P-please I need-"


As soon as y/n hung then phone, she slipped on a light oversized hoodie and put her slip-on sneakers on before grabbing her phone and running to the convenience store to get him some strawberry yoghurt, in hopes to enlighten his mood.

*5 minutes of her running to his apartment*

Y/N- "WHY DOES THIS FOOKER LIVE SO FAR?! *Panting mid way*"

As soon as those words left her mouth, she arrived at his place; Bending down to catch her breath, she stood there for a minute to complain about how late it was and cursed under her breath.


*Knock knock*
Y/N: "Aish..is this kid sleeping, I'm getting col-*Door opens* Haiii! i got you strawberry yoghur-"*Gets yanked inside*

Hee: *Pulls you into his arms; resting his face into your neck* Y-y/n... she cheated on me.. she cheated-"

Y/N: "heedeungie.. it's okay, here-*pulls away from the hug* Hey.. don't cry, look! I got you your favorite drink~, now let's get settled and talk about it okay?
*cups his face and wipes his tears*

Hee: *Nods head*

~Author POV~
Soon after the instructions were given, Y/N walked to the kitchen to put the rest of the strawberry yoghurt away. When returning to the living room, Heeseung was no where to be found.

Softly roaming his apartment, she entered his room; to find him sitting on his bed, back faced towards Y/n, and staring at the sprinkling rain that dropped on his window.

As Y/n made her way, kneeling infront of him. She grabbed his rough cold hands and pulled him into a hug; resting her chin on his head as he rest on her chest. He took this time to listen to her calming heartbeat , which he then started following the rhythm by tapping on her back and took in her scent.

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