Chapter 8

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If anyone entered Isabella Walker's office the next morning, they would have been certain that she was attempting to murder her computer with how fast she was typing, her nails making the familiar click clack on the keys in a fashion that almost appeared as though they were trying to shatter them.

The reason behind Isabella's sudden surge of intense work had nothing to do with an approaching deadline and everything to do with her annoyance of her own actions and how betrayed she felt by her thoughts from the night before. What could have possibly possessed her to fantasize that Damien was the man in the book she was reading?

She had more sense than that. He was arrogant, a chauvinist, and everything else she despised in a man. What was she thinking? And so to rid herself of these thoughts, she threw herself into her work that, when Mandy paged her at midday, she was shocked to realize how much time had passed.

"Mandy, I said that I didn't want to be disturbed," she said into the phone, her tone a little harsh for the innocent girl.

"I-I'm sorry, Miss Walker, but there is a man here who wishes to speak to you."

Isabella frowned and looked at her schedule. "I have no meetings that I am aware of, Mandy."

"It is an . . . unscheduled meeting."

"Then tell him that I'm not interested in meeting him. If he wants to speak to me, he must book a meeting like a normal person," she hissed and slammed the phone down on the receiver before forcing herself to calm down with a deep breath as she threaded her fingers through her dark mass of hair.

She didn't know why she was so short-tempered and—dare she say it—grumpy lately. She knew that poor Mandy didn't deserve it, but for some reason she couldn't help herself.

A knock came at the door, and the little bit of calmness she gained evaporated. She straightened her stiff back and lowered her hands back to her desk, her gaze harsh when she noticed an apprehensive Mandy slowly open the door.

"What is it now?"

The young girl quickly adjusted her glasses, unable to hold her boss' gaze. "I'm sorry, Miss Walker, but the gentleman insists," she said and scooted to the side.

Isabella frowned at her then looked at the man who entered, and her expression immediately soured upon the sight of blonde hair and ice eyes. "What do you want, Damien?" she almost growled in annoyance. He was the last person she felt like dealing with right now.

"Nice to see you too, Grumps," the man replied with a charming smile that only irked her further.

"I don't know why you came here, Damien. But I am busy right now and don't wish to be disturbed," she replied with a clenched jaw, her gaze fiery.

Damien blinked at her. "That's odd. Mandy here says that it's usually your lunch break right about now."

Isabella's dark gaze shot towards her assistant with a glare, who could only look back at her with a sheepish expression, before returning to the man still standing in her doorway. "Unfortunately, I'm working through lunch today. So, if you'll excuse me . . ." she said and hinted towards the door.

But Damien was either oblivious to her indication or chose to ignore it, for he stepped towards her with a determined look on his face. "I think you can take a few minutes break, don't you think? After all, we still didn't finish talking about yesterday."

Isabella felt her heart stutter in her chest at the memory his nearness evoked within her, and she glanced back at Mandy to see her assistant looking between them with a quizzical brow.

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