Chapter 5

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Casey and I didn't have rides so we slept in the living room along with the others who didn't have rides. The house was a mess; red solo cups littered the backyard and living room, pizza boxes stacked on top of one another covered a side table next to a couch. I sat up straight and shook Casey awake. About 5 others were sleeping and 3, not including us, we're awake. Casey and I stood, stretched, and made our way into the kitchen table where the others gathered.
"Look who's up. It's Sleeping Not-So-Beauty and Princess Ti-YAWN-a," Mitchell Kast remarks.
Peter gives a light but annoyed laugh and tapped away on his phone.
Mitchell wasn't wrong- I didn't look like a goddess when I slept but why should I? I'm passed out and catching some Z's- do I really need to look like Angelina Jolie when I slept? Casey knew she was a loud yawner but it wasn't her fault, so the princess comment wasn't even that clever.
Chase comes trudging out the bathroom yawning. I avoid all eye contact with him and sit down at the kitchen table. Casey leans in and whispers in my ear, "I'm just glad we're not hot enough to get raped." I give her a nervous laugh and Peter's mom makes her way downstairs.
Peter's mom, an attractive lady, was only two months pregnant with her next child. Mrs. Maggie wore deep red lipstick and had her long brown hair was pinned up in a bun. Peter's mom and my own went to high school together so when I told her I would be sleeping over her house, she was more at ease.
"Does anyone have a request for breakfast?" Mrs. Maggie says and turns on her stove top. Mitchell requests blueberry pancakes and Mrs. Maggie begins to make the batter while Chase and I are nominated to wake up the others.
I tiptoe over sleeping bodies and make my way over to Ash Morgan, one of my best friends. He quickly snatches my hand away from his shoulder.
"Touch me and I will rip your throat. Unless you're Zac Efron."
"Ash, it's Rachel. Now wake the the fuck up, Lazy Ass," I grumble.
Ash peeks one eye open, sniffs the air, and sits bolt upright. "PANCAKES," he mouths, and rushes over to the kitchen. I scoff and shake awake another snoring body.
Abilene Ackerman. Red head, pale, and dating Mitchell even though she can do so much better.
Abilene stretches awake and opens one of her deep brown eyes at me. She gives me a confused look but a look of recognition quickly crosses her face. She pushes herself up and rubs her eyes as I make my way into the kitchen.
breakfast is quickly served and we take our plates into the basement and form a sloppy circle in the center of the carpeted room.
Peter is the first to speak.
"Do you guys want tot play never have I ever?"
"Peter, this is child's play. Let's play Seven Minutes in Heaven," Garett Macintosh replies. The two begin to bicker but Abilene break them up quickly.
"How about we take a vote. Okay?" Abilene breaths. Mostly everyone nods so we get on with voting.
6 raise their hands for Garett's request and 4 for Peter's.
Casey gives me a nervous glance as the boys decide we'd chose by spinning a bottle.
An empty beer bottle is placed in the center of the circle and Peter gives it a spin. My heart beats loudly, praying to Whoppi Goldberg I wouldn't be first. The bottle slows to a stop on Ash and a boy with spiky brown hair, tan skin, good physique, and steel eyes.
Alec Posy.
Ash was extremely gay and Alec was extremely straight. Ash has had a crush on Alec for about two years, but his dreams WERE crushed when Alec laughed in his face and called him a faggot.
The two made their way into the pantry and Peter began a timer. While we waited, Casey and I exchange a quick, nervous glance at each other. Time seems to go by in slow motion and we don't hear a sound.
Seven minutes pass and the two walk out expressionless. Alec takes his seat but Ash scoots next to me and Casey.
Peter wiggles his way of the tight circle and spins the bottle once more. It comes to a stop on me and....Peter. Oh great. Peter gives his friends a smirk and a high five, but I turn to Casey and pretend to vomit. She lightly laughs and I drag myself into the pantry and Peter follows.
Someone closes the door and I sink myself to the floor, my back pressed again a shelf of food and paper towels. Peter stays standing and starts the timer.
" you want to kiss or something?" Peter laughs and flashes a smile that can't be seen through the dark of the pantry.
"No thank you," I bluntly reply.
Peter and I met in seventh grade. He easily became friends with anyone, he was funny and loved to crack jokes. He would always joke about dating me or hooking up with me- or really with anyone. Although he was cute, "Justin Bieber's" 2014 hair, tall, deep brown puppy eyes, and dark brown hair, any girl would be lucky to date him. He loved to sing and dance and could honestly keep you laughing for hours on end.
"Rachel, we've got six more minutes- better do it while you still can."
I sense him smirking.
"Peter, don't you have a girlfriend?"
"Amanda doesn't need to know, babe."
Even though he was just kidding, most people would take him serious and our teachers would scold him for using "foul language."
  Peter lets out a sigh. Peter isn't the most...appropriate person I know so I would have expected him to make sex noises.
"So if you're going to play it like a virgin, we're playing 20 questions," Peter says as he places himself next to me. He crisscrosses his legs and clears his throat.
"Question 1- how far have you gone with a guy?"
"Peter, this is stupid," I groan.
"No no come on, it'll be fun," he pleads.
"Next question. Have you ever given-" Peter starts, but I cut him off.
"Peter, why does any of this matter? It's like anyone will give it to you."
"-CPR. I'm pretty sure if I drown at the beach, the lifeguard has to give me CPR. What did you think I said?" Peter slowly whispers.
Oh right.
"Uh nothing. My turn," I quickly say.
4 minutes left. Stalling is good. I'll do that.
"Have you you ever went- no. Hmm-"
"Rachel, spit it out." I can hear the playful annoyance in his voice.
"Ok fine. Have you ever been skinny dipping?"
"Babe, I have done many things in my life but skinny dipping is not on that list and I am offended that  you think I would ever expose myself in the waters children swim in." Peter says in a lowered voice.
"Well I'm sorry to have offended you?" I reply but he cuts me off.
"But for real, yea I have. It was really fun. We should do it together sometime," Peter's voice drops into a serious tone.
The timer buzzes and I quickly pop up and push the pantry door open.
"LONGEST SEVEN MINUTES OF MY LIFE." I burst and take a seat next to Casey who giggles.

  YAY SO CHAPTER 5 IS KINDA SHORT BUT ITS FINISHED. I didn't know that when I hit save, it updated. So for that I am severely sorry. But hey, it's done! *insert dance party here*
Shout out to my best friend Cassidy Raye for encouraging me to finish this chapter. Every. Single. Day. Kidding! I love you all and you guys should definitely go check out Cassidy's page. I have her new book in my library. It's called "Come Find Me" so if you see that, GO CHECK OUT HER PAGE. Once again I love you all and I hope you guys have a great day today and tomorrow and the next day and all the days after that! ~ Raegen

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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