6 : Seven Deadly Sins in Everyone

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I didn't know what to write so I decided to do Seven Deadly Sins because it was one thing I was going to write anyways. This will be longer than most chapters that are usually 20-50 words long.

Seven Deadly Sins:

-Wrath [Anger/Rage]
-Lust [Love???]
-Envy [Jealousy]
-Sloth [Laziness]
-Pride [Flexing]
-Gluttony [Eating a lot of food]
-Greed [Greedy I guess???]


Everyone has at least one of the deadly sins.



You can get jealous for the littlest things. For example, your friend "steals" your crush, or someone got something you want but you don't have it.


You just like to eat a lot of food. Like, lots and lots and lots of ramen.


When you want something, you want it all to yourself, or you just want a lot of it, for example: money.


You just want love. Or shall I say.. Uhhh.. I'm gunna regret saying it but... Sexual attraction????


You flex on your skills and looks down on people who got pitied. (Straight from Satou- someone else's oc who I had permission to kidna- I mean borrow- I gave him ramen in return uwu)


You're lazy and you don't want to do anything and you'll probably just sleep all day. (I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU CHARLENE!!![aka someone else's oc which I have permission to- . . . Borrow? 😅😅😅])


You get mad over the littlest things? Like uh, when someone talk to you, you're like "UGH! GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" (Don't kill me if I did this wrong, Sumire- [Again, someone else's oc who I have permission to kidna- I MEAN- Borrow.])

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