Chapter 1

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the stupid description doesn't let me write more. Please Read, its important:

So basically the main character is from our world, hated her life and got transported into Prythian alrighty. Also I was unsure whether she should be fey or not coz like I want her to help the humans and have a purpose but also the humans r so far away like we literally know nothing about them from the novels, and I wanted to explore some things from the courts and not have her problem be discrimination coz she was a human amongst fey so at the end I chose to make her fey, but she gonna still remember the humans, and hopefully I'll remember that she won't neglect them the way Feyre kinda did in this novel - a complete turning point from the first 3. So please excuse all these stupidities or plot holes I've mentioned. Also, she doesn't really have that much power coz I wanted to see how far I can go with other things rather than just magic, magic, magic.

I do mention her nationality: French, but please don't let this affect how you think she looks like or her accent or voice. Give her a clean slate, and ignore this. The reason I put it there is because alot of languages are kinda derived from France, so I want her to sound smart by being able to speak like France, English, etc, it just made sense to me at that time. If this offends you, please tell me and suggest a better nationality, and I should change it.Ps. her position is she has read all 4 books and also all TOG books/novellas so she knows abit of things.


Chapter 1

Darkness. This place was a memoir of Darkness. Still, I held my knees in my arm, my backpack held secured, savoring the unrelenting, peaceful Darkness.

Then, I screamed. Screamed my lungs out, calling for help, please, help. I realised I was alone, alone and I didn't know where I was. Frantically, I looked around. Darkness. Darkness. Darkness, and nothing else. No walls or ceiling existed, only the stone floor I sat on.

I screamed.

Movement. Scurrying of feet. Was I in a cave? Where were the walls? I reached my hands out, too scared to move my feet and find walls, or an exit.

"Stay still," a man's voice warned. I sobbed. I sobbed as tears ran through my cheeks and didn't stop pouring.

"Help me," I begged, unable to locate the voice.

Large hands pulled my arms up, dragging me. "Come." As he dragged me out by my arm, I witnessed daylight at last. I let myself breathe calmly. Just once.

He scooped me over, and I shouted in surprise. Surely he would help me, no? I held on to him as I saw wings, wings, wings; I sobbed in fear, but held on to him, as he flew to the sky, sending a wave of dizziness and fresh air.

A few minutes and we landed. I was panting for air, finding a way out of my tears. He rubbed my back, and I only fell to the floor, to the sweet smell of dirt and grass - and blood. Panic seized me. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Blood, I could smell blood. No, no, I will not die. I won't die. I have more to live.

"Get up," he instructed me. If he speaks to me like that, it would mean he had no intention to kill me. At least I hoped not. I looked up at him, and curbed the sobs, yet the heavy breathing, trying to get air in, was still there.

Muscled, clad in black leather pants and jacket. I see. Oh. oh. Hair up to his bulky shoulders, in a, falling from his man bun. I pushed back, scurried back as I was on my ass, on the floor. No, no, no. No. No. No. I repeated it again and again as if it would reverse me back to where I came from. Back, back, back, back. I looked around. Trees and a clear morning, and in the distant - shouting. But I should be safe - at least with this brute.

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