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          I can't believe it. Why did I come here? After all these years, why now?


My names Jericho. I'm a twenty year old who's life has gone downhill since birth. Yes, since birth. Let me explain.

When I was born, it was a miracle I even survived. It cost my mom's life, so yeah; I killed my mom. Ever since then, my dad's treated me like the most precious thing in the world. He says I remind him of her. Was she a disappointment as well? Was she a murderer as well? Was she pathetic as well? I sure as hell hope I don't remind him of her.

By the time I graduated to middle school, I'd already built a reputation of the quiet kid. You know, the one that's always depressed and planning to murder anybody who talks to them? Yeah, well, that was me. I never showed emotion, scared that if I did, people would get attached and I'd hurt them. I didn't react and I didn't feel. I would barely even talk.

When I entered high school, I became a shadow. Nobody paid any mind to me, and if they did, they were flat out ignored. I didn't like interaction and I didn't like people. I despised getting up in the morning and laying down at night. I dreaded going to school each day, but hated coming back home even more. I left home because it haunted me, only to go to school where I hardly even had a presence, then go back home to be showered in tears full of pity from my pathetic dad.

I graduated high school last year and immediately fled from home. I haven't contacted anybody since. My dad thinks I'm dead and the world doesn't know I exist since I burned all of my identification certificates. I wasn't in any of my year books and I didn't have any friends to remember me. I had disappeared off the face of the Earth. I used fake IDs to get where I needed to be and go where I needed to go. As far as the world knew, my name was Teddy Flauntour, a twenty-one year old, single man, who lived alone in an apartment downtown.

Now an adult, I devoted myself to the streets, small jobs, and a life of pain.

But somehow, I ended up here. I looked up, reading the words on the two gravestones.

          Amy Dostrine          Jericho Dostrine
          loving mother          hardworking son
       beautiful wife             young man

I scoffed.

"That's the shittiest engraving I've ever read," I muttered. It was raining, staining the two gravestones a dark grey. My black hoodie was pulled over my head, getting drenched. I stuffed my hands into my hoodie's front pocket.

"Hey! Who are you?" somebody called and a bright circle of light shone on me. I didn't turn around. I didn't need to. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was haunting me.

"You look just like her!... your eyes remind me of her!... you act just like your mom!"

I squeezed my eyes shut. Get out, get out! My mind screamed at me.

"Hey, you! Answer me! Who are you and what business do you have with those two?" my father demanded to know, his footsteps drawing nearer. I didn't answer, but simply grabbed my backpack, which contained everything I owned, and walked past the two gravestones without looking back.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Fuck off, old man!" I yelled, deepening my voice so he couldn't recognize it. I walked faster and faster until I made it out of the cemetery. I glanced over my shoulder to see a hooded figure on his knees in front of the two graves. It broke my heart, though I wouldn't admit it. Never in a million years. I was a coward for running away. I was pathetic for not coming back. But I was suffering. I was haunted by his words. I hated myself. I hated how I looked and I hated how I acted. So I changed. I became cold to my dad and when I finally ran away, I changed my looks. I dyed my honey brown hair a dark black and had it permanently straightened, though it was still somewhat wavy. I couldn't do anything about my pale green eyes, so I left them as they were. I hated looking at them and I wore my hood and kept my gaze down at all times.

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