•.•.• Prologue •.•.•

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•~• 3rd Person POV •~•

The chit-chat of the new students echoed around the halls. Dipper, who had anxiety and depression, stayed behind Mabel, head down. He saw his best friend's Will and Bill ahead. 

Bill was a cheerful blonde who had sworn to keep Dipper happy since 5th grade. Will is a sky-blue haired boy who was about as short as Dipper, and enjoyed Mabel's company over even Bill's. 

Bill saw Dipper and walked over, taking one of his bags, "Me and Will are already moved in, so I'll help you. Okay, Pine Tree?" Dipper smiled ever so slightly, "Sure, Dorito Head." Dipper walked beside Bill, smiling. His smile was perfect in Bill's eyes, a small, sweet, innocent smile that seemed to have a layer of grief, and a miserable pain. 

Sure Dipper was flawed, but Bill paid no mind to that. He only knew that no matter what, he would protect his Pine Tree. Love his Pine tree. Make his Pine Tree feel special and loved.

•.•.• Bill's POV •.•.•

I felt proud that Pine Tree was smiling. It was genuine, not the fake one he plastered over his face around everyone else. He smiled for real around me, and that brought overwhelming joy crashing over me like a tidal wave.

I saw his dorm and opened the door. He had Tad as a roommate. The kid that ligit beat me when I was twelve. Scared for Dipper I sat on his bed, disguising my fear. "I can stay for a while, a'right Pine Tree?" He nodded, sitting beside me. 

I noticed tears rolling down his face, and saw him staring at his scarred wrists. 'Shit he's thinking about his father. The damn pervert.' I carefully lifted his chin so he looked at me, "He's gone now, Pine Tree. He can't hurt you anymore. I'm here. Mabel's here. No one will let him get you." 

He sniffled, his sweet, innocent face contorted into a pang of misery, of pain- both emotional and physical. I'd promised years ago that he could hug me whenever he needed. Or just cuddle. Anything to make him feel better. 

If you hadn't guessed by now, I have a major crush on the small child. I saw him curl up into my side, yawning. 'He's so sweet.....how could he ever have been touched like that?! And by his father no less!' I put my arms around him, and we both drifted off together.

_•_•_ Time Skip To An Hour Later //|•|// Dipper POV _•_•_

I woke up, feeling Bill asleep beside me. A small smile traced my lips as I blushed. I liked Bill, sure, but I always thought he was just looking out for me. 'How could anyone love me? I've been touched by so many people, been sold. I was beaten alive. Why the hell would anyone like me?'

I sniffled. Of course I was crying! I felt Bill stir and sit upright, seeing my tears and smiling slightly. Concern was crossing his expression and he asked softly, his voice so soft, "Pine Tree. I know you're thinking your useless again, but I care. Isn't that enough? I'm furious, but not with you. With the idiots who had the temerity to touch you, to hurt you." I hugged him, crying into his chest. He just silently encouraged me, hugging me and showing he was there.

'I could get used to this....' I thought, allowing a soft smile.

Ok! Author here. So this is a crazy story, but I had to have some wholesome BillDip fluff, so here ya go. Next chapter is when some....content....may appear. This was short, but it's only a prologue, so yeah. So, yeah. This is an AU, so Bill and Will don't know they're demons, Ford and Stan sold Dipper after his father sold him. People paid Ford and Stan to rape Dipper since he was 13, so yeah. So Dipper has PTSD, anxiety, depression and can be a little bit childish at times. In a cute way. But Bill cherishes the little baby, and pushes aside his longing for Dipper so Bill can properly soothe him. So yeah, enjoy this awful story :P


Reality Is An Illusion

The Universe Is A Hollogram

Buy Gold!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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