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I wanna go home.
Felix thought out the moment he stepped in the institute.

He fidgeted with the uniform suit he was given as he entered the building with the woman spy who scouted him named agent Ashley Choi. Felix had his head hung low as they passed by the various agents typing on keyboards, having hushed discussions, and working in the spacious headquarters until they finally reached the elevator where agent Choi would take him to the lesson area. It didn't excite Felix all that much, he hated classes.

It wasn't that he was against it, but Felix has the attention span of a goldfish, he can't find himself paying attention to one thing for more than a minute, that's why school was torture for him.

I heard you are a fan of JYP's agent CB97?
She asked as they stood in front of the door of the lesson room. Felix looked up at her and nodded his head.
I want to be great like him, that's why I decided to be a spy.
He said and she smiled sincerely at him.
There is more to a spy than just being great. But, young ones like you, are driven by aspirations, and I respect that a lot.

Half a year from now, his program named SKZ will officially start. The agency he'll lead will need a lot of talented young spies, I know it takes years of training to become a skilled agent, but if you can ace at least one field and make a name for yourself in this institute, he might notice and take you with him to join his team.
She told Felix who's jaw dropped, his eyes sparkled and he jumped up and down excitedly.
Of course I'll do my best! I have to! I want to meet him and be in the same team as him!
Felix eagerly perked up and she chuckled, ruffling the young boy's hair.

I like your spirit, but first you have to earn an agent code. Once we enter this lesson area you'll meet a lot of talented kids your age also dreaming the same as you, at first you'll be a trainee and every last day of the month there'll be a test to earn an agent code, once you get an agent code you can officially call yourself a spy and move up to the next level.
She explained and Felix tilted his head to the side a bit.
Sounds like a video game.

It does doesn't it?
Ashley chuckled, she asked if Felix was ready and the younger nodded. She was about to open the door when Felix stopped her.
He said panicking and she looked at him worried.
Might I ask what are the different fields I have to ace at least one?

Her eyes sparkled and she typed a few codes on her tablet until a hologram appeared in front of them, showing Felix the different spies.
There are a lot of subsets but these are the three main spy fields in a classic team; first, the field agents, these are highly trained in using gadgets, martial arts, and most importantly shooting. They are the ones who deal with physical and close up battles. Second, the techno agents, these spies usually stay in the control center dealing with field problems regarding hacking, technology, various mechanical work, they also have the ability to upgrade or create weapons. And the third are guide agents, guides are rare, they're gifted with vision, they're the eyes of a spy team in a field mission and brain when it comes to strategy. Guides have super senses and most of the time they rely on their instincts and predictions to guide the spy team on a mission. But guides are usually hereditary and as I said, they're quite rare so they aren't required much in a modified spy team which consists of two techno and two field agents. In a modified, or now we call it, a basic spy team, the two techno agents have different specialties. One of the techno agents will be in charge of technical work and one will be a navigator using various gadgets that are newly invented in place of guides. These are so there's a higher percentage of victory in a mission even without a guide. Both techno agents will still be in the command center so it's suitable to have a bit more help in the physical field that's why there are two agents fighting first hand.
She explained and Felix nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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