Halfway across the world - Part 1

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Song(s) to listen to - 

girls / girl in red

Pacify Her / Melanie Martinez

                I giggled into my big sister's chest as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I'm going to miss you!" She half lifted me off the ground as she bent back and squeezed me.

"I'll miss you too! I'll call you everyday." I was at the airport and was about to leave for my one year exchange in Japan, just in time for the start of the school year. Just two months after my departure, my big sister would be leaving to spend some time on the ISS. Our poor parents. We were decked out in full undercover outfits; caps, masks, sunglasses, oversized hoodies, and just the most unflattering jeans.

"I hope you find some good friends to look after you in Japan. Do you remember your fake name?"

"Rose Smith." I sighed. Very boring.

"Perfect." She kissed my cheek, "Now run along, you don't wanna miss your flight!" Her southern accent was strong as she gave me one last squeeze before letting me go.

                I placed my bag under my seat as I plugged in my earphones and rested my feet on the seat next to me. It was a 3 seater in the middle of the plane. I was sat in the window seat and a young girl was sat on the aisle seat playing a mobile game. I looked at the right wing outside and turned on one of my favourite songs, 'girls' by girl in red. I took off my cap and ran my hand through my short, thick blonde locks. I had a bleached bob that was roughly chin height and bangs that parted between my eyes. They just fell into that position naturally. My light brown roots were once blonde like Lillian's, but they got gradually darker over time. I caught my reflection in the plane window. My bright blue eyes had thick mascara and heavy eyeliner. The plane began moving across the tarmac and I looked away from the window to avoid being blinded by the bright orange sunset. The skies were beautiful though. A mixture of pink, purple and blue that you only hear about in stories, the type you don't believe are possible until you see them.

                I looked at my texts with Yuzuriha over the last month and a half. I'd been to Japan once already to meet my new 'family'. Yuzuriha and I were instant friends. They were in English, we used an auto-translator because we both knew how lazy I was. And how terrible my kanji was. 

Today, 8:24 a.m.

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 : Hey! Are you flying over today?

You : Yyyyyyyup.

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 : Excited?? xx

You : Scared >.< xx

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 : Why?

You : Strange people, strange environment, strange timezones, strange language. I could go on, but we'd be here for a while.

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 : You think I'm strange? 🥺👉👈

You : Don't!!!! My heart strings!!!!

You : I mean that I'm not sure what the clichés in Japanese High Schools are like.

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 : Neither do I. It'll be a fun little adventure for both of us.

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 :  And we'll always have each other.

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 :  And Taiju.

You : Taijuuuuu 😉

🎀 Yuzuriha🎀 : AND SENKU!!!

I giggled at my phone. Such a silly girl. The song in my ears changed. 'Pacify Her' Melanie Martinez. I'd always wanted to dye my hair like hers. Maybe that could be a fun little adventure to pursue in Japan. 

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