4. My brother

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-Ms Jeon, it appears you'll be spending your afternoons here for the next four weeks...

His words repeat in my mind during the bus ride to my karate class. Though I was dismissed from detention earlier than its official end, time isn't on my side. With less than an hour until karate begins, I'm inevitably going to be late. I have roughly 40 minutes to spend on this bus.

A notification appears, but I decide to check it later.

Resting my head against the bus window, I listen to a soothing song as the vehicle rattles along. Why is it so difficult to get Mr. Kim's words out of my head? This isn't the first time it's happened. Every single time he talks to me, I somehow manage to think about it for the rest of the week.

Listening to music through the detention might have been the wiser choice. Why did I feel the need to join my classmates' discussion? What if Mr. Kim now dislikes me even more? The last thing I want at the moment is being his least favourite student. Even worse, what if he singles me out more frequently in class following this incident? I can almost visualize my face turning red and my stomach churning with unease.

It's puzzling whether this mix of emotions is rooted in fear or embarrassment. Perhaps it's a blend of both.


After hurrying from the bus stop, creating a loud noise as I push open the glass door, tossing my shoes into the corner, swiftly changing out of my school uniform into a clean white karate kimono, and tying my hair in a ponytail, I finally step into the dōjō, the main karate training area.

"Osu!" I greet the teacher in silence, showing respect as I move toward the front to stand.

"Osu, Jeon y/n, do 20 push-ups for being late," I know he's only singling me out because people have complained about only the guys getting punished. It's quite clear given that there are only two girls in the class, and most guys seem more interested in martial arts than girls.

Balancing on my fists, I start doing push-ups, feeling my head grow dizzy from my lack of energy.


"As you all know, tomorrow is the day. We'll be heading to Seoul for a major event—a competition involving clubs from all around the country. The train departs at 4:00 PM, so let's gather at 3:50 PM, just to be safe. The journey will last around 2 hours. Remember to bring your hand and foot protection, a clean kimono, and of course, a positive attitude. Also, ensure you eat enough to have ample energy."

I wish everything in life were as straightforward.

"You're dismissed now. See you tomorrow."

"Osu," the class echoes monotonously as they leave.


Being alone on the bus is oddly relaxing, especially while enjoying music and watching the sunset.

Deciding to open the notification I received before karate, I find it's a Snapchat text from my brother. I added him this morning through quick add; after all, we don't communicate much these days, so he didn't inform me about switching accounts.

Who's this?

y/n snapchat
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