Losses And Victories

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The battle waged on. The ground littered with the dead, the soil soaked in blood, the sky clouded with the filth of endless fire. My sister was still by my side, to which I was thankful for. Much better than lost or even worse, laying among the mass of bodies. Dead. Dead, along with the countless others, heroic and wicked. We had fought our way through their ranks and we're now close, so close. We battled against our enemies, their once lively crimson liquid splattered everywhere. Whom are we, you may ask? Well, my sister is Cybele and I am known as Ardrea.

My attention was brought towards a cry, just to my right. It rang high above the metallic clang of weapons. Cybele. My heart dropped inside my chest, it felt like it had stopped beating. Flames fogged my sight and fury wrecked havoc throughout my very veins. The temperature scorched around me to a blistering heat, enough to set the grass alight and incinerate the troop of warriors I had been mowing through. Turning my ferocious wrath on my sister's goons I began hacking through them. Within seconds I was standing in the middle of a masquer. I stood right in the center, breathing like mad as I tried to calm myself, and my rage, down.

My sister let out another shriek from where she lay. Snapping my head towards her I rushed over to where she was positioned on the rough terrain of the mountain side. I threw my long sword to the ground as I knelled beside her body. She had been stuck with a blade, the hilt sticking out from her gut. Her breathing came in short gasping wheezes although the blade had not pierced anything majorly important. But she was loosing blood at an incredible rate, and could possibly die within minutes.

Her breathing heightened and I began to work at a rapid pace. Snapping my fingers I brought a small flame to her stomach and began to disinfect the wound. Her screaming was difficult to listen to, especially since I know that I was causing the pain. But if I did not clean it now than it would become a lot worse later. I quickly finished up and then ripped off the bottom of my longer shirt from under my armor. Her hands dug into the dirt, caked with mud and pebbles. Her face was tucked into a concentrated pile of skin as she held the earth in her cracked palms. The blood ceased to flow from the gash as it began to close, leaving behind a thin pink scar that would dissapear over time. I then tightly tied the fabric around her belly and over top of the scar, just incase it began to bleed out again. She winced as I pulled it tight but then relaxed as I had finally finished.

"Okay, we are going to have to hide you somewhere." I spoke to Cybele, while bringing her up onto her feet. We trudged along together, over and under hills until we came upon a cave carved into the mountain side. "Here!" I announced as I turned towards the safety of the caveren. I tucked my sister away in the cave, much to her displeasure, and exited from the mouth. "Keep safe and stay hidden!" I yelled to her as I left at a brisk pace.

Running up the battled front I demolished every foe who dared step in my path of destruction. I stood in front of the castle carved out of stone, the source of it all. Taking a deep intake of breath I then proceeded up the wall of the architectural master piece. My fingers digging in between the perfectly chiseled bricks lining the outer walls. Soon I had scaled the wall with no great amount of effort and leaped over the top ledge. I now reside just outside from where it all started and from where it would soon come to an end. With all my rage, and a little bit of fire power, I managed to pound the thick doors in. Rushing to the stone, the thing that began all of this, I was stopped. Less than half way there, by his bruding voice and cunning words.

"Ahh, how the prey always finds the predator in the end." The words grew louder and more pronounced as he came to stand right beside me, barring his pointed teeth pathetically. I roled my eyes and huffed, I was so tired of this guy. I wanted to punch him, and so I did, square in the face. He wailed as his hand flew up to his newly aquired bloody nose. I smirked at the master vilian that had just about everyone scared out of their wits as he cowered in pain. Why are they so terrified of this fool for? I wondered just as his soulless eyes turned on me and I was blasted away with the salty water of the ocean. It filled my lungs, the liquid suffocated my throat and soon I could no longer breath. I flounced about through the tide.

Finally I was freed and with my new perspective on the matter. I realized that they feared him because he could take away the one thing that everyone needed. Air. I laid on the cold ground gasping as Oris loomed over me, a physco grade smile, if you could even call it one, edged into his blue flesh. "Frightened of me now?" He spoke darkly to me. "No." I weakly choked out. "Excuse me, what was that?" He questioned sincerely surprised. "I said, no!" I yelled with all the fource I could muster and pounced. We scuttled around on the floor, each of us only having the upper hand for a minute or so before the other would bounce back. The power struggle went on like this for ages, no one winning, no one losing, no one willing to admit defeat. Finally the scrimmage came to an end as Oris got his foot underneath me and sent me flying, like a rocket, off of him.

I slid across the marble floor until my back collided with something extremely sturdy. I let out a yelp of pain as I came in contact with it but I did not just lay there and waiting for Oris to come over to finish me. No, instead I shoved the searing sting on my spine down and rose onto my feet. I quickly looked behind me at what I crashed into to see the pedestal holding Alzarist. I went to reach for it but before I could, out shouted his voice. "No!" It was Oris. "Why should I not?" I hollered to his figure that was too far away to stop me. "You will not only destroy it but yourself, too!" He tried to reason with me but failed. "That's too bad then," I replied. "I guess you will have to come with me then! Just to make it fair!" I requested. Then I shot a column of flames towards the main pillar. "No!" Called Oris as the place started to come apart. I touched the stone just as my view of the master villian was blocked by the fallen archway. I screamed as the Alzarist burned me. It was something I had never felt before, and if Oris was correct it would also be the last thing I felt.

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