Meet Savv

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 Hardison and Parker made their way into Southern Comfort, a hotspot for Portland's nightlife. From the outside it was your average Portland brick building. But from the inside, it was the place to be. With wooden tables and booths, and the country aesthetic with some modern touches here and there, it definitely fit the name. This was somewhere he could see his "hillbilly" friend spending his spare time, hitting on the waitresses, and hustling pool. 

The waitresses were dressed in cowboy boots, jeans, and low cut shirts. Definitely Elliot's scene, he thought. Hardison made the mental note not to let his eyes wander in their direction too long, or he would be in major trouble with the blonde to his side. He led said blonde over to some vacant stools at the bar. 

"What can I get you guys?" A Sweet Southern accent greeted them as soon as they took their seats. Hardison was surprised to see a sweet looking brunette smiling back at them both as she wiped down the bar top in front of them.

"What would you recommend?" Hardison asked while Parker read the menu on the chalkboard behind the bar.

"Well you look like a beer man, and your gorgeous lady looks like she likes strong liquors." She stopped and waited for them to correct her, but she was spot on, "So I would recommend our house brew, it's a refreshing take on a classic IPA, and for you I would recommend my personal favorite, a top shelf cognac and sprite. How does that sound?" Hardison looked to Parker to see if she disagreed, but a quick shrug of her shoulders and a "why not?" answered for him.

"That'll be right up." In less than a minute two glasses sat before them, "Let me know if you guys need anything else, or want anything to eat, we've got a delicious burger on brioche that accompanies the house brew beautifully, and some down right amazing beer battered onion rings that will knock your socks off." With that she moved onto the next patron at the bar top, and then loaded up three bottle beers onto a tray and carried out to the pool tables off to the side of the bar.

"Yo Savv- when is your fine self gonna play me in some pool?" A heavier set man of his mid-forties asked the young woman, as she handed him a cold bottle.

"You know I can barely hold a pool stick, let alone play you for money."

He laughed as he sipped on his cold beer before placing it down on the side of the table. "I'll take it easy on you baby girl, and hell you don't even have to put any money on it. If you win, you get my fifty bucks plus a tip for the service."

"Well when you put it like that, i'd be a fool to turn you down Steve. Hey Rodger, hand me a stick." Parker and Hardison both watched on as the young woman walked around the table. "So what do I do first." She asked the balding man to her right, Rodger. He walked her through how to set up the table and a brief rundown on how the game worked.

She bent over the table, and not just one pair of eyes went right to her jean short clad rear, as she fumbled with the cue stick, not holding it properly. She barely made contact with the cue ball, and it barely moved the other balls. Steve laughed, as she shook her head, "I told you I have no clue what I'm doing."

"You've got it sweetheart."

The game went on accordingly. Steve sunk a few striped balls, and then all of a sudden, Savv made good contact with the cue ball and sunk one of the solid balls. "I got one!" She jumped up and gave Rodger a high five. Then like the flip of a switch she sunk ball after ball, and the smile quickly fell off of Steve's face.

In less than five minutes all of her balls and the eight ball went flying into the table's pockets. With a laugh, she put the cue stick back on the wall, and dusted off her hands, before walking over to Steve and holding her hand out for her winnings.

"Hand it over Steve."

"You hustled me." He said in disbelief handing the money over to the petite brunette.

"You should know better Steve, I all but run this place, heck I pulled the same stunt on Rodger last week, you would think he would have given you a warning." She laughed moving toward the bar, "Next one is on me Steve!"

Parker turned to Hardison, "I like her."

"I do too." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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