Chapter 1

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"Hey, Oikawa?" I say, reaching to touch my boyfriend's forearm from across the kitchen counter. I hate to ruin a perfectly good breakfast by bringing this up, but I have to tell him. I tilt Oikawa's chin up so that his eyes meet mine. "I've told you I'm in a gang before, right?"

A silent falls between us. The wind outside our apartment howls, and Oikawa avoids making eye contact with me. He nudges my hand off his chin, and takes another bite of his omelet.

"Why of course!" He says finally, "I know all about your little club, Iwa-chan." This should be a relief considering that I don't have to start explaining this at square one, but his lack of concern is slightly bothersome.

"It's- it's not a club." I say, trying no to get angry. I love Oikawa, but he can't take things seriously, which normally I don't mind as it helps to lighten the mood, but sometimes I wish he wouldn't make a joke of everything.

"Sure it is! If it wasn't a club, then why would you have a clubhouse?" Oikawa questions, referring to the otherwise unused warehouse that my gang inhabits. I've never taken him there before, but he knows that I go out there pretty often.

"It's not a clubhouse, it's our headquarters." I snap back. Oikawa is really starting to get on my nerves. I wish he would just let me get to the point. This isn't a matter to be taken lightly.

"Oh, oh, your headquarters. My bad." Oikawa says sarcastically, putting his hands in the air. "Let me guess, you also have some shitty name for your gang?" Oikawa says, puting air quotes on the word 'gang'.

"Hey it's not a shitty name!" I argue. "I think 'The Enigmas' sounds cool!" I argue. When we came up with the name, plenty of names were tossed around, but we all decided that this was catchy enough, while also not sounding too ridiculous.

Oikawa looks me in the eyes, and starts laughing. "You could have named your little club anything," he says, pausing to gasp for air, "And you named it that?" Oikawa tosses his head back and clutches his hands over his stomach, gasping for breath.

"Hey it's not funny!" I scold, gently slapping my boyfriend. Oikawa wheezes, apparently still laughing about the name of my gang. "Would you shut up for like two minutes? I've gotta tell you something." I say. Oikawa is still laughing, but slowly he starts to quiet himself.

"Sorry Iwa, what did you want to tell me?" He says, giggling to himself. Despite giving me the go ahead to talk, his focus doesn't seem to be on me. Oikawa walks over to the kitchen sink to wash his plate off. I start to speak, but the spray of water from the sink drowns out my voice.

"Well go ahead." Oikawa prompts, sitting back at the table. He crosses his legs and starts fidgeting with his fingers. He pokes me, urging me to start talking. I swat his hand away, and adjust my posture.

"I've seem to have made a few people mad," I say, glaring at Oikawa. I prepare for him to interject with some annoying and witty comment like 'Don't you always.' or 'Nothing new.', but he's surprisingly quiet.

"Some rather powerful people. You see because they are mad at me, they might try to hurt me. The issue is that they probably know we're dating, and what better way for them to hurt me than my hurting you?" Oikawa looks at me, his eyes glazed over like a deer in headlights.

"Can you say that again?" he asks, clearly struggling to dissect what I just said. I sigh, and think of a way to reword that so that it's less confusing.

"I want to teach you how to fight and shoot." I say bluntly. Oikawa nods that he understands, but doesn't react other than that. I put my hand on his, gently rubbing his skin. "Oikawa, are you alright?" I ask carefully.

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