PD 5/5

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"Hey there, Gorgeous!" I heard a voice say, "It's been a while, huh?"

"Hey, well you kind of were, except i'm not going to hold you here against your will!" He chuckled.

"Fine. Then i'm leaving!" I stormed off.
Suddenly I felt Chat's tail wrap around my leg up to my inner thigh, and felt his hands grab onto my waist and spin me around to face him.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" I cried.
"I changed my mind, Princess" Chat replied romantically. I looked into his eyes and saw a familiar green... He noticed I was studying him and he started to let go but I grabbed his arms. He looked startled but I looked up at him and squinted. He looked extremely nervous, but stood there in awe of you, not knowing what to do.
"Who are you?" I asked bluntly.
"I'm sorry, Princess. But i can't tell you that."
"Well of course you can! It's me! It's Y/n!"
"I don't think you get it beautiful. I cant tell anyone." Not even my family or friends know."
"Well how are you supposed to live like that!" I cried, "You have to live with crazy secret forever?"
"Unfortunately, yeah. I'd only tell someone who is really special to me. Like the woman i'm going to marry, or someone like that."
"How do you know you won't marry me?" I said sweetly, wrapping my arms around his neck.
Now he was even more shocked. I could see him blushing through the mask. He shook it off.
"I don't. Maybe I will marry you, but until that day, you will not know my identity!"
"Well how am i supposed to marry someone who i don't know the identity of?"
"You might marry the me behind the mask!"
"Ahhh, I see"
"Of course you do, Princess." He purred and tightened his grasp on my waist, making it so we were touching.
"So, why did you bring me up here in the first place?"
"Oh right haha, I forgot about that" He laughed.
He led me by my hand to the top of the Eiffel Tower (I didn't mention it, but y'all were already on the Eiffel tower so he just lead you to the top).
"Oh yeah," Chat remembered, "you'll need this again."
He pulls a blindfold from out of nowhere (lmao) and put it over my eyes. He then picked me up and carried me all the way up.
"Okay, Princess," He said. "We're here."
"Can i take this of now?" I asked.
"Ah, not quite yet. Someone is actually here for you!"
"Who?!" I exclaimed.
"No one bad, Love. Don't worry"
"uhhhh okay"
A few seconds later I heard Chat say to take off the blindfold. I looked up and saw Adrien sitting at a little picnic table with candles and a dinner ready. I was shocked, and I blushed a little bit.
"Hey, beautiful!" He exclaimed.
"Is, is this for me?" I stuttered.
"No, it's for the person behind you," He joked.
"Yeah. Really funny." I rolled my eyes at him. "What's all this for?" I said while sitting down at the chair he had placed for me.
"Well, um.."
"Go ahead. Spit it out, I'm not going to judge you silly"
"Well I felt bad that our first kiss was just for a stupid photo shoot. And i wanted to make it up to you!"
"Aw, you didn't have t-"
"Y/n" He looked dead into my eyes.
"Y-yeah?" I said, he looked so serious and it scared me a little bit.
"Y/n," He said, "This isn't just for you. It's for me too."
"I know it sounds selfish i guess but i didn't want our first kiss yo be like that."
"You were planning on kissing me in the first place?"
"Uh- y-yeah I-um." He stuttered. "I mean if you didn't want to i'd be okay with that but y-you know a-um"
I stood up and walked over to him.
"Get up," I said.
He stood up. He looked very nervous.
"What's wrong?" He said, "Is it something i said?"
I looked up at him and hugged him around his waist. He seemed too shocked to do anything but i hugged him tighter and he soon put his arms around me too.
"You're the best fake boyfriend ever" I said jokingly.
"It doesn't have to be fake," He said.
I looked up at him.
"Y/n," He said. "I know it's early, but would you like to be my girlfriend?"
I looked down at the ground and smiled.
"Of course I would." I said. "I've liked you for forever.."
"Really?!" He was shocked.
"Yeah! Who wouldn't?"
"Hehe, um,"
"Since you're my girlfriend, you won't mind if i do this, right?"
He leaned down, using his hand to tilt my chin up and kissed me with so much passion that I was blown away. I closed my eyes and kissed back. We parted and I was as red as a tomato.
"No, of course i wouldn't."
"Haha, good" he was very smiley and happy, it was cute.
"Hey," he said. "Let me take you home,"
"Only if i can ride on your back!" I joked.
"Ugh, fine! But only when we get down, i don't wanna get hurt." He replied.

Time skip
I said goodbye to Adrien with a final kiss and went to open my door when i realized.
"Hey, where's my purse??" I questioned.
"Oh, this?" Adrien replied, picking up my purse.
"uhh okay?"
"Um, anyways. I'm really tired. Thank you so much for tonight"
"Of course, Princess," He said.
"Goodnight Adrien," I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodnight, Y/n" he replied, kissing me on the lips.
"Hehe," he chuckled, "I one-upped you,"
"Yeah, whatever, Agreste."
"Whatever, L/n" he replied.
"shhh, Y/n! It's late!"
"Okay okay fine i'm going inside now,"
"goodnight beautiful"

Hey guys i'm tired lmao. Anyways hi i'm it's me again 👨🏿‍🦰. Anyways hi how are you guys?!? It's been forever lol um i'm not dead tho so hey ✌️.
Okay that's it 😃 goodnight or goodmorning or whatever whenever you're reading this ❣️
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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