Lakeview Highschool located in Southern California Los Angeles filled with secrets and lies of teenage kids.
You'll be witnessing so much drama of these teenage highschool life's.
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I was walking inside my teacher classroom Quincy Brown I mean Mr.Brown he's my brother. Weird ikr.
I'm Essence, I'm in 11th grade and I'm one of the popular girls at lakeview highschool. My bestfriends are coi and ari they are my bitches.
Quincy-I'm coming over tonight. He said to me I sat on his desk
Essence-Really mom been practically begging you for the past weeks. I said to him he rolls his eyes
Quincy-I have shit to do. He said
Essence-Quincy we live in the same damn city it shouldn't be that damn hard to come see our mom. I said to him
Quincy-Essence you don't understand I have- he paused
Quincy-I have grades to put in and things. He said to me
What's his secret? He has a daughter that nobody knows about and he thinks i dont know but I really do...and it's by the principal wife like I said nobody knows.
Essence-Whatever Quincy. I said sitting at my desk as everybody started coming in - I was laughing as coi tells me how Michael been trying to get with her these past days.
Essence-I mean coi he's nice looking he's nice and he got money...he likes you and he's not a hoe give him a chance. I said to her
Coi-I mean I dont know I'll think about it. She mumbled
Coi secret is that she has a secret girlfriend that nobody knows about everybody thinks she's striaght but she's bi-sexual...nobody knows but me and she doesn't know that.
Essence-Well it's always nice to have a nigga around treating you right. I smiled
Ariana-Essence you don't even have a nigga why your talking. She said I laughed they laughed
Ariana secret is that she is dating a 20 year old king pin....crazy right and nobody knows but me.
Coi-Right get off my case and go find you a nigga, what about michael b jordannn. She teased I rolled my eyes
Essence-First of all that's Lori man. I said to them
Ariana-But you and him had sex. She teased
Essence-I was high and that was like two years ago. I said to them
Coi-Come on essence it wouldn't hurt to date somebody I mean after your mom and dad divorced you haven't dated anybody that was like one year ago. She said
Essence-I'm just not looking for a relationship right now I'm keeping my eyes open for the right one. I said to them...well I do have the right one they just don't know.
Ariana-I understand. She said
Shannade-Grr-rrross. She exclaimed as this nerd was next to her she got up walking away with Shannon they sat somewhere else
Shannade and Shannon are known as boujee twins the plastic twins you name it they secret is they killed somebody and they both have a kid nobody knows but me obviously.
I saw tory walk in his secret is that he shot his girl in the foot nobody knows...only me
Coi-What if we put you on Tory. She asked I choked on my spit
Essence-You fucking nasty bastard. I snapped everybody laughed that was kinda loud coi giggled
Quincy-Essence! He snapped
Essence-I'm sorry Mr.Brown. I giggled
I was looking at the door I saw the principal talking to Zayn who had a frustration look on his face that conversation looked heated.
Now Zayn secret is that he had sex with an 12 year old she lied about her age to Zayn nobody's know but me...and to be honest that 12 year old look like a fucking 17 year old.
My phone dinged I looked it was Michael they one I had sex with not coi Michael I know there are two Michaels confusing
Michael-I miss hanging out with you.
Me-Really I recall you disappearing after we had sex.
Michael-Essence I was a little kid I wasn't thinking I'm not like that now I promise I wish I could change what happened but I can't.
Michael secret is that he got raped by his dad when he was little...nobody knows but me.
Me-I really hope your not trying to get with me because it'll never happen ever.
Michael-I don't care..I just want to be able to talk to you how I use to we use to talk all night and give eachother advice I need you.
Me-We can take baby steps.
I put my phone in my pocket looking around it's crazy how I know a lot of everybody secrets and nobody knows that I know see when your a popular girl you have to learn how to use your advantages you have to know everybody dirt you have to know everything.
And I know everything about everybody and nobody knows a damn thing about me.
Want to know why nobody knows anything about me? Because I'm careful very careful and sneaky nobody will ever find out my dirt. Ever.
The bell rung I got up it was passing time now i walked out the classroom after telling my girls I'll see them in class
I walked inside the principal office he looked up at me I shut the door locking it
Chris-Essence I don't want to talk to you. He said to me I sighed going to him I sat on his lap he looked at me
Essence-I went home I didn't go to his house I just said that to piss you off baby. I said to him
Chris-Why. He said to me
Essence-Because you made me mad...I'm sorry you've been ignoring me for a week now I miss you Chris. I said to him
Chris-How much. He said to me
Essence-A lot. I pouted he kissed me I kissed back he rubbed on me sitting up as we kissed he gripped my waist
Chris-I missed you too. He whispered kissing on my neck rubbing on my body