Chapter 3

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            The first thing in my vision as I wake is a blinding white light.  I quickly shut my eyes again, and slowly open them.  As my eyes become adjusted to the light I take a look at my surroundings.  The walls are white and there is a small tv hanging in the corner.  There is a small couch that can’t be comfortable at all for the guy sleeping in it.  Then there’s, wait what?  Why is there a guy laying on the couch?  And where even am I?  Oh God, did he move me?  Where’s Eleanor?  As all this is running through my head I hear a beeping noise start to increase.  This seems to startle whoever is laying on the couch as he quickly wakes up.

“You’re awake!”  He gets up and starts making his way towards me.  As he does the beeping increases even more.  Fear starts to rise in me as he moves closer.

“Who-Who are you?  Where am I?  What’s going on?”

The mystery man raises his hands, seeming to notice that he’s scaring me. 

“Okay, okay it’s alright relax.”  He moves back to the couch and sits close to the edge.

“Who are you?” 

“My name’s Louis.  Your name’s Trinity, right?”

“How did you know that? Are you working for him?  Please, please just let-“

“No I’m not working for him!  Listen, you’re in the hospital.  Eleanor told me who you are.”

“Eleanor’s ok?!”

“Yes she is and so are you.  You’re safe now Trinity.  Is there anyone you want me to call?”  As he says this I look down to the bed I’m lying on.  A tear starts to fall down my cheek.

“No.  My family’s gone.”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to,”

“It’s okay.  It’s not your fault you didn’t know.”  I look up and meet his eyes.  They’re a beautiful blue color.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes like them before.  Granted I’ve been in a cell for the past 6 months but I would have remembered eyes like those.  I give him a faint smile and he returns it.

“Hey Lou we’re back!”  The door swings open and four other guys come into my room.  The nerves immediately rise again inside of me and I move as far as I can on the bed to keep the distance between us.

“Guys! Please she just woke up.”  Louis quietly yells at the other four as their heads turns toward me.  Their eyes widen in surprise and they start to move closer.

“Um, could-could you please back up?”  My voice comes out quiet just above a whisper.

“Oh, we’re sorry.”   One guy with short brown hair and brown eyes says.  Louis gets up off the couch and comes to my side.

“Trinity, these are my best friends Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Liam.”  They all smile and wave at me.  I slowly move back to a comfortable position on my bed.

“Hi, I’m Trinity.”

“Hi Trinity,” The four boys say together.

“How are you feeling?”  Liam I think asked.

“Okay I guess.  I just don’t really remember what happened.”  I won’t look any of them in the eye; except for Louis.  I’m not really sure why, but I just feel okay around him.

“Do you want us to tell you what happened?”  The one with long curly hair, Harry I think, asked.  I looked over to Louis and he seemed to understand.

“Guys, why don’t I tell Trin?  This has been an overwhelming day for her already.”  Trin; he called me Trin.  Anyways the other four walk out of the room and close the door behind them.  Louis moves over and sits on the end of the bed, making me sit up as best as I can with the pain.

“So, um, what’s the last thing you remember?”  Louis asked, clearing his throat afterwards.


“So, you guys saved me?”  I ask after taking in everything Louis just told me.

“Yeah, I guess we did.”  He says as he looks at me with a faint smile.  I feel tears start to fall down my cheeks and I know there is no stopping them.  After all I never thought this day would actually come. 

“Thank you.”  I say quietly with a smile on my face as the tears are pouring down.  “Thank you so much.  I never thought that I would get out of there.”  Louis moves closer and sits beside me, giving me the most comforting hug I’ve received in a long time.  At this I just cry even harder.  I haven’t felt this type of emotion for the past two years and it finally feels good to have it again.

“There’s no need to thank me love.”  Louis just holds me for what seems to be forever.  To finally feel the slightest bit safe is incredible.

“Louis?”  I can’t help but wonder what happened to him.


“What um, what happened to him?”

“Well, right as you passed out in my arms the police came in and were able to shoot him in the leg.  They took him away and he’s in jail as we speak.”

“So he’s gone?”

“Yes he is.”  A smile spreads onto my face as Louis says those words.  Louis suddenly shifts besides me and I can tell he feels uncomfortable.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how did all of this happen in the first place?”  At this question I divert my attention to the floor.  The question alone brings up awful memories that I wish could just be erased from my head.  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable.”

“No, it’s okay.  It might help me to get over it.”  I take a deep breath, nervous about what I’m about to tell Louis; but I have to.  If I don’t I might never tell anyone and I need to get this out of my system.  “It all started back in November,”

YAYYY! I've finally written a new chapter! I'm so sorry I haven't been writing guys, but after writing this chapter I've missed it so much! I'm going to try and have a chapter up every week...hopefully.  But make sure to leave feedback down in the comments I would love to know what you guys think!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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