Chapter 8

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I stormed out of Riley’s office pissed off and frustrated.

“This is just great.” I mumbled to myself.

Lucy was still inside talking to the record producer about how much I didn’t want to do the gig anymore. I knew she could get me out of this because she has a very persistent voice that nobody could say no to.

I groaned and took a seat on a nearby bench. Bad things always happen to me. It’s like I’m a walking “bad luck magnet.” I’m surprised Lucy still hangs out around me even with all the miserable things that happen in my life. Normal people would call me cursed and run away. But Lucy is always there for me; she’s tough, brave and always gets me out of my problems.

“Tiff I can’t get you out of this problem.” Lucy said as she took a seat next to me.

I eyeballed her not sure if she was joking or not.  “Seriously?” I asked her hoping she was kidding. But she just slowly shook her head.

“I’m sorry, Tiff. He’s really strict about this whole contract thing, but I’m sure it won’t be so bad!” She smiled at me and her eyes sparkled a little. I recognized that smile. That was her smile telling me that I should be grateful and stop complaining once in a while. But how could I be happy with new like this? This just made me want to jump in front of the nearest moving object.

“C’mon.” Lucy nudged me. “Stop being so negative! I’m sure this will be fine!” Ugh, that’s not fair, she can’t say that! She doesn’t know what it’s like to be me. But of course she would love this gig. But me? I don’t know if I can go through with it.

I just rolled my eyes then my heart jumped. I just remembered I was going clubbing with Harry and his friends. That sounded SO weird. Remind me again why I agreed to this? Probably Louis’ smile… God dammit Louis.

“Lucy, what do I do about tomorrow when I go clubbing with… them?” I said ‘them’ in a harsh, annoying voice because thinking about them just made me feel weird. They were nice to me, even Harry I guess. And I was so rude with him. But not because I wanted to be mean, trust me I’m not a mean person. I just wanted him to back off.

Just the thought that he wants me to go with them tomorrow, makes me feel weird. It’s sort of like that feeling you get when you go on a roller coaster. You really want to get on it, but at the same time you don’t because you get too nervous. 

I want to get on this roller coaster I’m just too scared to. I don’t want to get sick. Metaphorically speaking of course. It’s not like I’m going to show up tomorrow, sick, and end up throw up ever where.

I winced at the though. But it is possible. Maybe I eat something and I get food poising. Ew. Or I trip over someone and end up spilling a drink on one of them. OR!! I get ridiculously drunk and god knows what happens to me.

My mind started racing with horrible possibilities that would make me look like a total idiot. But Lucy shook me out of it.

“Tiff!” She yelled in my ear. “Two things. One, you have to relax. They’re just a bunch of…” She took a deep breath. “Normal guys. No reason to get worked up aboutthem.” I would have laughed so hard if she didn’t look so serious.

“Second. You have to befriend Harry and his friends. He wants to be your friend Tiff and you have no reason to be a total bitch with him.” I glared at her but she just smiled. “You know I love you.” She said smiling and hugging me.

“But what if I don’t want to be their friend?” I asked her pulling away.  “I’m perfectly fine without them.”

“I know you are Tiff.” She said scotching closer to me. “But you need some new friends, and good ones this time. I’m your best friend and I’ll be here for you always. But these are some real friends you can have. It’s not a bad idea.” She said lifting her eyebrow.

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