Getting Out and Into the Game

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Darkness, that is all that can be seen; a pitch black, empty void that's ever expanding as far as the eyes can see. Then, a familiar yet distorted voice is heard.

"When you have everything taken from you by someone that takes a sick sense of pleasure in killing..."

The scene changes to a concrete sign, showing the name of a maximum security prison somewhere in the Deserts of Vacuo.


It then shifts to the right and moves in closer to show the prison.

" tend to realize just how unfair this world really is."

The scene changes to the inside, showing a long hall that led to a single solitary confinement cell with a single guard sitting down in a chair, simply reading a newspaper. The scene moves towards the final cell in the hall, showing the identification of the cell itself.

C-1 Solitary

A flash of light occurs and the scene then changes again to show the inside of the cell. Within the cell is a simple mattress, the only light coming in from a window in the shape of a cross, and a single person leaning on the walling facing the door. They were dressed in an all black attire with no skin showing at all. The only other form of color that is seen is their white mask, but even that has traces of black on it. The left eye looked like there was an infection with the amount of an unknown black substance was leaking out of it.

"Two years. That's how long I've been in this Oum-Forsaken cell. Two years of thinking, of solitude... and loneliness. While my girlfriends killer walks free."

The scene slowly changed to show a close-up of them holding a polaroid picture, shortly before turning around to show the two people on it. The one on the left is a blonde teen around the age of seventeen, going on eighteen, with blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. He was wearing a black jacket over a blue tank top and a pair of blue jeans. The girl on the right had silver hair with gray eyes. She was wearing a brown overcoat with a light blue t-shirt underneath it, and a pair of black jeans. 

"I always wondered why they never went after the man that did this. Then I  realized something."

A single black 'tear' falls onto the image before dissipating into black smoke.

"This world doesn't care about anyone; it will not protect you from harm, from the evil of this world, or the ones that take a sick sense of pleasure in it."

The one holding it slowly looks down as his body shakes, both in anger and regret.

"This world has abandoned me, just like it has everyone else that fell victim to that sadistic clown in that ice cream truck."

The scene slowly changes to show him looking at the window, some light shining on his face from the outside. The only problem with this was that noting shined in his eyes, or his lack of. In place of where his eyes should have been were just empty black sockets. No matter how much light shined down into them, there was nothing but an empty, black void.

"Then, one day, I had a visitor."

The scene changes to a bald man with a large scar all along his left eyelid, with his right eye being a sickly blue color. His left one, however, was entirely black and made of glass. His attire consisted of an open black jacket that showed off his burned torso, a pair of blue jeans, and black flats.

"He said his name was Calypso. Thing is, he ran this sort of contest and the winner... well, the winner got whatever their heart desired. For me, my heart desired two things, the death of that damn Psycho Clown..."

The scene changed to a flashback, this time showing the same polaroid picture, but with blood going across it. Some of the blood across the boys eyes and some across the girls neck with a little looking like it's dripping down her mouth.

"...and for Trifa to be back."

The scene changes to the outside once more, this time showing a dirt path that led out of the Prison. The chain-link fence gate already open as a car can be seen driving out of it. The car itself was a black 1977 Pontiac Firebird with a gold trim. The windows were all bulletproof and fully blacked out while the car itself was armored underneath the actual chassis, allowing for the car to both be rammed by something as large as a tow-truck and take several hits from standard rounds and keep on ticking. Two .50-Cal machineguns were strapped to the hood of the car; one for each side. Underneath the car were two underslung launchers; one for firing rockets, and the other for deploying mines. The decal art on the hood, rather than being the Firebird Logo, was a large zero with the words Le Mat both underneath the zero and on the driver and passenger side doors of the car.

"Don't worry darlin', I'm gonna bring you back..."

As the car sped away from the prison, the scene soon cuts to black. The only sound coming from this scene is the roar of the V8 engine as it speeds off to who knows where.

"...and I'm gonna kill the psychotic asshole that took you from me."


Character: Jaune Arc, AKA...

The Fool

Trailer/Challenge: Revenge of The FoolWhere stories live. Discover now