what is going on

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I wake up to my mum shouting me down and asking if I'd packed all my stuff. Which I have I have way to many bags so I'm glad me and bell are going together in her parents truck so both of is could fit our like ten thousand bags in the truck. After eating breakfast I decided to go do my hair and makeup. As I was doing my hair my phone started ringing I looked to see who it was and it was my best friend bell. "Hey hoe, so I can't wait to go to the hotel its exciting and the rooms look amazing oh and..." bell went on
"Bell chill I know we've both looked around the 3d tour on the website okay" I stopped her because I knew where this was going she was hoping to be next door to brody because the wardrobes are connected. So Bell was hoping she could see him shirtless in the morning. Wierd right. Anyway I knew who I was sharing a wardrobe with. My good friend peter you'll find out later on why I was so happy about that. I dont want to spoil the story just yet. "Chels hello boo hoe bitch hello Chelsea" I snapped out of my thoughts and heard a beep outside. "Chels we are here" bell moans at me annoyingly
"Okay bitch on the way out" we both laugh. Yes we call each other random stuff like that. I run outside and see my step dad taking my bags to the car with my younger brothers "hey kiddo enjoy were all gonna miss you call every day okay" my mum says shes so cool allot of the girls mums wouldn't let them go until my mum let me go yep my mum is the "leader" of the mums. We get in the car and I see my uncle drive up and stop us from leaving I jump out ot the car and hug my favourite uncle then my other uncle my mum and uncle p's older brother oh also hes bell's dad. Then my dad pulls up in his limo rich people. My uncle runs up and hugs me my dad walks over and hugs me. My dad then tells me that his head of security will be going with me well either him or his step son Peter. Great I have to spend time with Paeter I'm excited but scared I'll give you a description of tom short brown hair with brown eyes and hes 5'8" with a chiseled body ooooh I love this boy hes also a couple months older than me 17 already. I got back into the car and we drove off dad car right behind probably dropping tom off. After a few hours of sleeping we arrive. Me get out the car and everyone else had small bags but with our parents you cant do anything small yno. With we are both very happy with. Next thing our bags have mysteriously gone up to our rooms we both looked at my uncle Pietro aka bell's dad. Next minute all of dads work "friends" arrive to say goodbye "hey little stark little romanoff" Steve Roger's my favourite icicle "old man Roger's" we both tell as we run to hug him. Then I see him peter parker with his step dad happy oh right you probably dont know but happy and may got married last month so now peter is part of the family. We were all shocked ,in a good way, when we found out. "Hey my two favourite maximoff's I'm gonna miss you more than anything" comes a loud deep voice we look past Steve. "Bucky you came" we cried, we didn't know if we would see him again, we ran and hugged him dad looked over and gave barnes a death stare "how nice" I thought. After giving everyone a hug and saying our goodbyes Bell's phone went off"hey mum hows the mission" bell whispered i left to say bye to dad and uncle Pietro so that Bell could say a proper goodbye to her mum alone since this could be the last time she speaks to her for a while. After an hour or so we are led to our rooms. Bell in the room just in front of mine. I unpack and put my stuff in the wardrobe I look and see peter doing the same, yep peter is my wardrobe buddy fun right. After unpacking I hear a knock on the door. I go to open it but hear a very loud deep voice "she must not be here" I look out the peep hole and its.......

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