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"You want to what?" Alicia gaped at Ian.

Ian shifted uncomfortably in his seat and avoided Alicia's eyes. He caught Jeremy's eyes who gave him a sympathetic smile, he gave him a quick one back.

"I want to marry him before, you know." Ian muttered.

Alicia shook her head, "You two are minor and-"

"No one needs to know!" Ian said, "You know that June does not have enough time left. I will head off to college after some months. I-I want to do this!"

"This is like modern Romeo and Juliet." Alicia muttered, as she rubbed her chin.

"Please," Ian quietly said, "I love him. I-I don't know what to do anymore. I know he could go. Bu-but it feels too fast. I-" Ian choked back his words and looked down at his shoes.

"Ian," he heard Jeremy call his name softly. Ian wordlessly looked at him.

"Alicia is just worried for June." He started slowly, "June is my only brother. I care about him and if you want to marry him before he pass away, I guess we can pull off something."

Alicia gaped at Jeremy.

A week ago, Ian had prepared a in home date for June since he would no longer walk. But as they sang to their song, June had suddenly, lost his voice.

They had panicked and called the doctor who said it was temporary but June would lose his voice after sometime.

All these incidents became to real for Ian. He now could only talk with June through writing letters since even talking was difficult for June.

June was going to go away from his life too fast and Ian wanted to crave his presence in his mind, heart and soul.

And marriage was the only thing he could think of. Marriage binds two souls into one and weaves them together. He wanted to marry June and call him, his forever.

Jeremy smiled as his eyes glistened with tears, "The fact that June is leaving us is becoming more real. Let us make as many memories as we can." He let out a forced laugh, "I want to both of your best man. "

Ian smile gratefully at him while Alicia turned away from us and sighed.

"But everything about this plan is illegal," Jeremy said, as he straighten up.

Ian looked at him, patiently waiting.

Jeremy shook his head, "Even though, I agreed to help, if the grown ups find out, we will be in deep trouble."

Ian's face fell.

Jeremy suddenly grinned, "I am totally in!"

Ian laughed in relief and turned towards Alicia. He hated the girl but she cared for June, that's why Ian turned towards them for help.

Alicia let out another heavy sigh.

"Guess I am planning my ex's wedding," she grumbled.



The tapping of laptop stopped and Euphel looked up from her screen to Ian who was hovering at the threshold of her bedroom.


"I need your help," Ian said, he walked inside the room and sat at the edge of the bed.

"What is it?"

"Do you have a friend working in a jewelry shop?"

Euphel pursed her lips and nodded, "There is someone, I know."

"Erm, can you order a couple rings?" Ian said, trying his best to keep a straight face, "With me and June's name on it?"

Euphel's mouth hanged open before she let out a squeal.

"Oh my god!" She screamed, "You two are so cute! I will call that friend, right away."

Ian waited for Euphel to make the call and she talked with the person. They discussed the type, the capillary and the price of rings.

After everything was confirmed, Ian stood up.

"Thanks for your help."

Euphel smiled but the next words she said made Ian still.

"You know that it's going to break you, once he is gone right?"

Ian bit on his lips, unwilling to cry. He nodded. His chest seem to ache nowadays every time he spent time away from June knowing each moment is now precious.

How could he ever live once June is gone?

"It's the pain, I signed up for." Ian replied, he walked out of the room before Euphel could say anything.

He went inside his room and shut the door. Flopping on the bed, he hugged his pillow tightly when his phone buzzed.

Ian took it out and his face cracked a small smile when he realized it's a message from June.

Irritating Twat (4:36 p.m) : I need help with some direction.

Ian ( 4:37 p.m) : To where?

Irritating Twat (4:37 p.m) : To your heart *wink wonk*

Ian kissed the screen, as a sob escaped his lips. All his life he had lived in middle of a dark forest which was surrounded with high walls. June had broke all those walls and lighted up his entire dark forest and made him taste the honey like warmth of the sun. Once June is gone, there will be no one  Ian could love. The warmth was going to be cruelly snatched away from him.

He was going to loose June forever.

Ian wiped his eyes and took in a deep breath before typing.

Ian (4:53 p.m) : Wanna hang out?

Irritating Twat (4:54 p.m) : No one is at my place.

Ian got out of the bed and pulled on his jacket and walked away.

S.V Fun fact : June's name used to be Hades. But I got so irritated using (Hades') so I changed it to June, which is my birth month.

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