Chapter 1

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I felt like I was slowly being choked to death in the collared shirt and tie I was forced to wear. My feet were accustomed to motorcycle boots, not these tight, pointy shoes. My brother had a wicked smile as he returned from the restroom just in time for the judge to call us into his chambers. I didn't even want to know what stupid thing he had done.

"This way, boys." The bailiff held open the door to the private room and followed us in. He was a menacing six-foot-four bald man with a permanent scowl as he stood across from Judge Madison with his arms crossed.

Judge Madison's eyes rose from the papers in front of him. I nudged my twin's arm so he'd stand a bit straighter. Thankfully, Viper and I weren't identical, or I would be in a hell of a lot more trouble.

"Virgil and Vincent Landry. Again." He rubbed at his temple. His white combover suited his stuffy appearance.

"You two aren't minors anymore. There is only so far the long arm of your daddy can reach." He pulled his wire-rimmed glasses down his nose, his eyes shifting between us.

He began to read the statement involving the vandalized police car. My brother stupidly didn't want to throw away a full bottle of spray paint and got us both caught with the evidence.

"Boys, you are veerrry fortunate." His Louisiana accent was thick, and he drew out "very" as he looked at us, pressing his fingers together. "I was able to secure you two a spot on a 'summer vacation' that doesn't include three months in County Jail."

Judge Madison lifted a paper from his desk. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED was bold across the top; in smaller writing below: HELP REBUILD HURRICANE-DEVASTATED ST. MARTIN MARSH. He pointed to "Spend your summer making this community whole again. St. Martin needs you!" and handed the flyer to the now grinning bailiff, who then gave it to me. Viper and I looked at each other and then read down the entire page.

"Are you kidding me? No way," Viper spat at the judge, causing the bailiff to take a step toward us.

"Son, do you have a problem? I could help you solve it with a few months in County Jail if you disrespect this court."

"No, Your Honor." Viper's response was forced.

"Well, I would hope not. I understand your 'club,'" he said with air quotes, "has some issues with the Devil's Damned group, which has more than a few members in County right now. Since your father and I had a chat about guaranteeing your safety in County, we thought this would be a better alternative. Besides, your granddaddy and I go way back, and I understand he retired close to there, am I right?"

"Yes, Your Honor," I said while stepping on Viper's foot before he landed us both in County.

"We understand, Your Honor, and would be much obliged to take the community service option."

"I hoped you would say that. But, boys, this is the last time I can help you like this. Your daddy has run out of favors, and those boys in County, I hear, are just chomping at the bit to find the delinquents that stole that red Camaro and landed it in Copperhead Creek."

Viper tried to hold in the smirk, and I stepped on his foot again. "Ow," he grunted.

"Do I make myself clear?" The judge's eyes shifted from me to my brother.

"Yes, Your Honor."

"Now, you have a few days until that bus leaves. You think you two can stay out of trouble until then?"

"Yes, Your Honor."

"This is not a prison camp. You will have freedom aside from work. I best not get word of any trouble, or you will be going straight to County for the full length of your sentence."

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