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"You're beautiful."


The hostess' dusted on blush was unable to disguise the full crimson that went beyond her cheeks. She had to look away, flustered herself. Goromi didn't know if her companion was saying this because of his act as a customer or if he was serious. ...It didn't hurt to ask, "D- d'ya really think I'm pretty?"

Kiryu was also rosy in the face, and even down his neck. The awkward tension between hostess and client went on for a couple more beats before the 39-year-old spoke up again.

"I-" Kiryu paused for a moment, having to clear his throat in hopes of having the tight ball lodged inside disappear. "Of course. I mean it."

Goromi then didn't know how to reply to that. This whole Goromi persona started off as a ruse to lure Kiryu in to fight her, but... man. She never would have imagined to wind up getting the usually stubborn, stoic and strong Kazuma Kiryu all vulnerable like this.

To say it was out of character was...untrue. Kiryu had his moments of fragility, but it was very rare for him to show it so openly. Especially considering Goromi thought herself to be a buzzing, untrustworthy nuisance to her beloved Kiryu-chan. Even out of her Goromi appearance.

And then the complete opposite of her thoughts happened.

"...I think I have some feelings for you. Goromi-san."

Holy shit!

That tough guy act was bound to crack at some point, but she didn't expect it like this! Since when was Goromi-chan the aloof love interest in this shojo manga type set-up?!- Snapping out of her overthinking mind for a moment, she noticed that he went quiet. And how bad Kiryu was trembling. Goromi didn't like to assume, but...something told her Kiryu had been speaking from that stupid big heart of his.

"I- I apologize," Kiryu began to say his sorries. Anxiety and regret lurched to the pit of his stomach. "I don't know what's-"

Kiryu then felt the warmth of another hand in his.

"Hey, hey," Goromi lowered her voice, trying to comfort her very awkward companion. "I know I ain't one to be mushy, but fuck it." The 41-year-old leaned in awfully close to Kiryu, her heart racing. "Yer so strong... 'n I'm so lucky t'have ya in my life, Kiryu-chan."

"Feelings fuck with ya sometimes, but I like you too, ya handsome devil."

Now it was Kiryu's turn to be speechless. Even though his superior was crazy and hard to take seriously, there was the truth that shone through those words. Just earlier this year, the young man experienced heartbreak again and again. But, maybe... just maybe he could keep someone for once.

Before Kiryu could drown in his complex thought pool, Goromi's trademark loud, saccharine and overtly feminine voice returned to pop him out of it.

"Well! Whaddya say ya take ol' Goromi-chan here on an after-hours date?"

"...This isn't an excuse for a fight, is it?"

"Hell no! You've just lured this hostess in with yer manly charms!♪"

". . ."

"C'mon! Let's go be romantic 'n shit!"

Something different wasn't always something bad. And Kiryu was just beginning to accept that.

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