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The next day, you awoke to the ringing noise of your alarm clock. You decided that you wanted a couple more hours of sleep, so you groggily reached over to hit snooze, only, you failed to do so and ended up knocking the clock over onto the floor by mistake instead. You groaned as the stupid contraption still didn't stop ringing, forcing you to get up and turn it off.

Once you placed, or rather, slammed the clock back onto your desk, you headed to your closet to pick your outfit for the day.

After getting ready, you headed to the kitchen for breakfast, noticing how quiet the walk down the hall was since the whole team was out doing things things this morning. Well, the whole team except for Steve. You two were going to have a day in the tower togrther, just the two of you, which you were definitely looking forward to.

Once you entered the kitchen, you saw Steve at the counter, surrounded by pots and pans along with random food ingredients sprawled out on the table.

"Steve?" you asked, him turning around to face you and instantly smiling at you.

"Morning, darling." he greeted you, walking over to give you a hug which you happily returned.

"Good morning. What are you doing?" you couldn't help but ask as you looked around at the kitchen.

"Well, I was gonna make you breakfast." he told you, the smile never leaving his face.

How cute.

You almost laughed. "What? You? Cook?" you said in disbelief before a small laugh escaped your lips. "Heh I don't think so."

"What? You don't think I can cook?" he questioned, feigning offense.

"Well, it's not that I think you can't, it's just you're.... not the best at it." you explained, obviously not being as blunt as you could be.

"What makes you think that?" he questioned as if you weren't making any sense.

"Stevie, last time you cooked something, the whole kitchen ended up covered in burnt food...." you trailed off, trying to sound gentle and trying your hardest not to giggle as you recalled that moment.

"Gosh, (y/n) that was one time!" Steve countered, rolling his eyes, but you could tell he also kind of found it funny.

"And I'd like it if there wasn't a second time. So how bout I cook breakfast, ok?" You suggested, since you considered yourself a pretty good cook anyway.

"Nope. I'm still gonna do it since apparently I have to prove my worthiness as a cook." Steve joked, not allowing you to take over the task.

You laughed. "Ok, fine. How bout we both cook together?" you proposed.

Steve nodded, agreeing to your compromise.


You two decided on making pancakes, which were your absolute favorite. The recipe though, was proving to b,e a pretty tricky one.

"Ok, now we're supposed to add.... flour.... I think. Or, is it baking soda....?" Steve trailed off, looking at the instructions on the back of the box of pancake mix.

"Eh, what's the difference?" you shrugged, already pouring way too much flour into the mixing bowl. Turns out, you weren't that good of a cook either.

"I'm pretty sure there's a difference between flour and baking soda." he pointed out, chuckling a bit. "And you didn't pour enough either." He then took the bag of flour from your hands and began pouring even more into the bowl.

You threw your head back in laughter as the bowl was nearly spilling over with the white, powdery substance.

"Why don't you just let me handle this part, ok? We both know I'm the better cook out of the two of us anyway." you added, smirking slightly at him.

Because I'm In Love With You (Steve x reader)Where stories live. Discover now