" Don't want anyone but you"

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Two days later

Boun's POV

I woke up with the chirping of birds ringing in my ears

I looked down at the bundle in my arms and I felt a smile creep up on my face

I kissed his forehead and he wiggled scrunching his nose

Slowly he opened his eyes

" Morning?"

" Good morning "

He blushed and I knew he was remembering everything that happened last night

" Last night was wonderful

Totally worth the wait"

" Totally worth it "

I stroked his hair

" You'll make me sleepy "

" Really?! Then should I make sure you stay awake ?"

I teasingly tickled him almost made him tear up and found myself on top of him as his laughs died down

I gently kiss him and I could feel his palms on my face

" As much as I want to continue this, I'm really hungry right now "

" Ok then, you take a shower and I'll get us some food "

" No Boun

We will do all those things together "

" Ok then princess"

" Hey where did that name come from ?"

" I can call you whatever and I know you like it "

" I won't deny "

I carried him up to the bathroom and washed up

We had breakfast with a couple of other people and I could tell Prem was uncomfortable with the way some guys were flirting with him and I wasn't comfortable with the ladies who were basically trying to drop their tops and flaunt just so that I could see them

I already had someone very important to me and they should have at least given respect to that

" So why don't we play truth or dare then ?

What do you say Boun?"

" Prince Boun to you and no

Infact Prem and I are leaving for Bangkok right now

We just wanted to have breakfast with you but it seems you have other intentions and I'm not interested

Forget being a prince for now I'm in a committed relationship

Maybe I could be swayed before but not this time "

I helped Prem get up and went back to our floating house

I grabbed our bags and stuffed the clothes back in there

Prem grabbed my hand stopping me

Prem grabbed my hand stopping me

" Boun we still have a few days left to spend here

Just ignore them and we can stay here in our floating house and not meet them "

" Prem I'm more than fine with doing that but other people making you feel unimportant is not my cup of tea

We only have two more days here and then we have to go back

I want to spend time with you with a calm mind and staying here will not help me in any way

Right now we can spend the rest of the days alone somewhere else even your condo would be better "

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