4, Death

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It's day time now.

Rani: Kiara.

Kiara: yeah?

Rani: I miss Kion we should go back home, not only do I miss him..I want some sex.

Kiara: okay haha Tiifu Zuri wake up we need to go back home haha.

So they began to go back home. It's a 5 hour walk.

At The Tree Of Life Simba and Nala's sickness has gotten worse.

Simba: Kion!

Kion: yes?

Simba: please get someone me and your mother are very sick...

Kion: OH...yes sir!

Kion can't find the healer anywhere

So he walks back and looks at his father and mother and he says

Kion: I can't find her anywhere..

Simba: son..I'm sorry but it was meant to be..

Kion: what?

Simba: you weren't supposed to find her, my time has come..

Kion: NO DAD

Simba: I'm so so so so so so sorry son..

Kion: dad, he says as he began to cry

Simba dies right in front of Kion.

Nala: I love you son..


Nala dies right in front of Kion...

Kion starts to cry

Kion runs to a heal and cry's even harder!

Fuli: Kion what's wrong

Kion: Mom and Dad are dead my parents ARE GONE!! He cry's harder

Fuli: I'm so so so sorry.

Kion: I want to be alone.

Fuli: okay.


Kiara: HOME!

Tiifu: cool.

Zuri: I don't get it what's so exciting?

Kiara: you don't get it.

Fuli: you get Kiara. Your parents have completed their Journey in the circle of life. I'm sorry

Kiara: wh—wha—wha—WHAT!! She starts to cry and runs away!

Rani: I feel so bad for her I understand how much it hur—wait Kion.

Rani runs to find Kion

She sees him crying on a heal

Rani's Mind: I feel so bad, I know how much it hurts to loose parents..

She walks up to him.

Kion: Hi

Rani: hey.

Kion: your back early.

Rani: yep. And Kion I know it's painful for the first few months after loosing your parents. What can I do to help?

Surak: Kion Rani, Nirmala and I can handle the Tree Of Life You two should go on vacation

Rani: Kion, would you like that?

Kion: sure, but I want you to know..I know how you feel. I had to watch them take their last breath...

Rani: oh honey..I'm so so so sorry! I wish I was here to help you when it first happened.

Kion: it's not your fault. Let's get to packing.

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