Chapter 4: Over It All

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Alex is played by Olivia Grayson and her picture is to the side for the PC readers, to the top for the mobile readers! :) Here's the next update!


After having that little run-in with Brantley last week, my entire life has spun out of control. My feelings for him have flown through the roof, but no matter where I am or what time of the day, I am constantly getting bashed. My social media accounts are blowing up with messages from fellow students and people who I don't even know, all of which are telling me that my life is not worth living and I should just save the world the trouble by killing myself.

Have you ever gotten to the point where you started to believe it all? Where all you wanted to do was just end the silence and the suffering? Today I am at that point. Everyone has ganged up on me, including those who I thought at least cared about me. My mother has been on my case all day, urging me to hang out with Jill. I absolutely do not want to hang out with her, considering she is the one behind all the messages I am receiving. She has a lot of power at the touch of her finger, so it really wouldn't surprise me if she has a reward out for whoever can break me into killing myself.

I just don't understand why all of this is my fault. I honestly had no intentions of hitting Brantley in the hallway. I have considered dropping out of high school, but that would only prove to them that I have been defeated. Well, today, I am going to finally take a stand for who I am and for what I believe in. I am tired of getting bullied, getting messages from strangers, and most off, I am tired of being alone. I want someone to pay attention to me and find out just who I am inside. I want someone to love me like no one has before.

I rolled myself out of bed and put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans. I put a pair of no show socks and my Sperrys after pulling a white tank top over my thin torso. I walked over to my closet, searching for my anchor infinity v-neck t-shirt. When I finally found it, I pulled it and my North Face jacket on. I looked myself over in the mirror before applying some mascara and eyeliner. I put my game face on, grabbed my things for class, and headed out the door.

I waved down a taxi, just like my everyday routine, and headed for school. The ride was over in what seemed like a few seconds, so I took a deep breath, paid the cab driver, and climbed out. I stood there, looking up at the walls of the school before taking the first step towards the rest of my life.



The bell rang, signifying the end of second hour. I packed my AP Spanish supplies up into my bag and ducked out of the room.

"Alex?" Mrs. Haynes hollered at me before I could get down the hall.

"Yes, Mrs. Haynes?" I asked quietly.

"Is everything okay? You seem.... quieter than usual," she said, raising her eyebrows in that convicting way that teachers do.

"No, I'm fine. Honestly. I'm going to be late for Econ though. I'll see you tomorrow?" I said, not worrying about being late for Econ. I was secretly hoping to see Brantley in the hallway on my way.

"Well, if there's anything you need or if you need to talk, you know where to find me. You're one of my best students and I would hate to see you fail because you were scared to talk to someone. Have a good day, Alex." She said, smiling at me as I left her room.

It's nice to know someone cares, but why? Why would they care about me? I'm just the girl who everyone hates at this current moment in time.

I opened my locker and grabbed my things for Econ. I was going to be late, again, and I didn't need a detention.

I was halfway down the hallway when I saw him. He had just walked out of AP Language Arts and was heading towards me. I panicked, not knowing what to do. What if Jill sees us this close in the hallway? I would much rather have a detention if it meant I could talk to him for just a minute, but did I really want her to kill me? No. This had to stop!

"Hey, Alex. How was Spanish?" Brantley asked, smiling at me as he crossed the hallway to approach me.

"Huh?" I asked, shocked that he knew what my second hour class was.

"Spanish. I have it this hour. I was curious what you guys did," he said, flashing that cute and adorable smile of his.

"Oh, uh, we just went over the new vocab and turned in our essays," I said, starting to walk away.

"Hey, are you okay? I've heard people saying some pretty rude things about you lately," he grabbed my elbow, softly, but the his touch electrified me.

"Oh, I'm used to that stuff. I'll be fine," I said, pulling my elbow. "I have to get to Econ though. Have fun in Spanish!"

"Alex, I'm here if you need someone to talk to. I mean that," he smiled and continued on down the hallway.

Yeah, I wish I could talk to you. I just wish your ex-girlfriend wasn't such a freak!


"Dangit! Now I'm going to have a detention. Today couldn't get any better!" I ran the rest of the way to Econ.


Okay guys. I am really sorry. I have been sick, swamped with homework, and just overwhelmed. All excuses aside, let me know what you think of this chapter! Love you all dearly and enjoy! :)

~Boone Carlyle

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