Chapter One

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     "Char!" Katie yelled waking me up,"It's graduation! We're going to be late!" I groaned and somehow managed to climb out of bed and walk over to my closet, past my best friend. I could feel her stare boring a whole in the backing of my head.

     "I'm coming, calm your lady parts!" I said over my shoulder, picking out my blue dress with my silver heels and black robe with the matching cap. Katie and I had gone dress shopping together, I noticed her gold dress underneath her open robe. I slipped into my dress flattening out the bumpy parts. Followed by my robe and cap Sitting at my mirror with my curler in hand I began to curls my blond locks. Finishing by adding mascara and eyeliner to my eyes. I never liked the feeling of make- up on my face and I knew Harry hated it. 

     I really shouldn't be thinking of him, I'm supposed to be mad at him for missing my graduation for a  One Direction signing. Obviously I could never be mad at him though, especially when I made him tryout. 

     "Let's go slow poke!" I joked with Katie, getting a smile out of her we hurried down stairs towards my parents. I saw my mum, with camera in hand, next to my father and my neighbor Anne Styles. Walking over to my parents, I hugged them. I walked over to Anne, noticing the tears in her eyes. 

     ''Harry was so upset he couldn't be here! I told him I would send a picture!" She explained then giving me a hug. I pulled away and posed for a picture next to Katie. We smiled as Anne and my parents took pictures.

    "We needed to be there 10 minutes ago! We can meet you guys there! Charlotte, hurry on up and hop in the car!" Katie was freaking out at this point. I quickly went outside and into my car, followed by Katie in the passenger seat. Pulling out of the driveway Katie turned on the radio, all of a sudden his voice filled my car.

      "Shot me out of the sky,

     You're my kryptonite.

     You keep making me weak,

      Yeah, frozen and can't breathe"

   Katie reached over to turn it off, but before she reached the nob I shooed her hand away, wanting to listen. I had to admit they were pretty amazing and could sing very well. Ha, very well doesn't even begin to explain it. Soon enough I was singing along with them, the song was so catchy I couldn't help myself. I pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot. Rushing to get into the school before anybody notices we weren't there. We ran as fast as the heels would let us. My last name was Davis, so I had a little time to find my spot unlike Katie who's last name was Anderson. We finally found our spots without being noticed by a teacher. 

      The music took over and we filed into the gym, sitting down at our seats. The ceremony flew by, there were boys and girls crying, the speeches that were made were funny and sad. We reminisced on our childhoods, showing how we matured through the years. My name was called and I heard my family cheering in the stands. My eyes watered as I gathered my diploma and shook my teachers hands. Once it was over I met back up with Katie who I saw had the biggest smile on her face. It looks like somebody is happy today. I walked over to my family giving everybody hugs and saying goodbye to my other friends from school. I turned back around as somebody covered my eyes from behind, 

     "Katie, would you stop!" I laughed ripping their hands away and turning around. My blue eyes were met by a pair of green ones and my breath was caught in my throat.

     "Surprise." Harry said before pulling me into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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