I Know You're Lying To Me.

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So, this first chapter or two will be about getting to know the main character and after that, she will start getting to know Damien. Hope you like it.

Smosh cast and crew alike waited to hear the sound of Ian's voice. As if he knew, Ian emerged with a large, white grin that shone from his pink lips as the cameras were positioned and the room listened to every word he spoke. "Can we start filming now?" Sarah nodded and the cameras were cued in. The second the board snapped, Ian smiled and leant over the table that Shayne and Damien surrounded while Courtney, Keith and Noah sat just behind him.

"What is going on?" Courtney whispered to Keith and Noah as the cameras started.

"So, Smosh needs to make content in order to release videos and I have decided that without any of their knowledge, I will be introducing a surprise guest and not only is this the first time that we will meet them, but Shayne and Damien have volunteered to take part in a, 2 truths and 1 lie video. So, today we will be mixing them both and making a video where Shayne and Damien have to guess the lie out of three statements based on nothing but their sight. What I will say is, every lie that they give will actually be based on a truth. For example, they may say that they have four nipples when they really only have three." The pair sat at the table looked at Ian with pouted looks and careful eyes.

"Wait, so. This is a, 2 truths and 1 lie video but we have never met them." Shayne interjected and Ian turned to face him, ducking and getting close to his face.

"Correct." Ian nodded and smiled before lifting his phone and talking into it. Almost immediately the door was swung open and a woman walked in. She wore a pair of black and white vertically striped trousers and a tight black top with long sleeves as a bow kept the trousers tight around her waist.

"Hello." A quiet woman had spoken and turned to the room as she waved at them all. Her grey eyes met them as she anxiously shifted, her hands running across her trousers before she then shook the hands of all those in front of the camera.

"Right, this is a new member of our team and she has four sets of truths and lies for you. All you have to do is figure out which one is the lie. And after you pick the lie, if you're right then she will have a bucket of water thrown over her, if you're wrong then both of you get a bucket over the head. But, on the plus side, no matter what, she will explain all of the truths. You know, tell us a little about herself." Ian finished speaking and stepped behind the camera, laughs echoed and Shayne puckered up his lips, turning to Damien and just laughing again.

Laughs had simmered down when the pair glanced at her, hands began to tremor mildly as her hands placed her phone down on the desk.

"Right, now or never. What're the first two truths and a lie?" Damien blurted as he watched her lift the phone from before her and smile broadly, trying to stop a surfacing laugh that brewed from deep inside her.

"Last time I went exercising, someone had to call me an ambulance." Laughter had settled in the room as the announcement was made and the two men on the other side of the table fought to regain their cool as they sized her up. Whoever she was, she didn't seem to be completely unfit, she wasn't particularly small either. Her body seemed to be just a little overweight.

"Okay, an ambulance. Completely plausible. But, what I will say is that you are British so would you be healthcare ready? Or, should I say, would any woman with ten SpongeBob characters painted on their nails have healthcare?" Colourful nails were glanced at and the cameras zoomed in on the nails that seemed to be professionally done.

"Where did you get them done?" Courtney asked as she stood and lifted the visitor's hands to be viewed.

"I did them." Courtney's jaw went slack and she watched the fair hands before her.

Damien Haas x LemonWhere stories live. Discover now