Chapter 3

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Extract 1

Sometimes, that is just the way things are.

I don't control this place. No one does.

But there are a select few who think they do.

And I'd like to teach them a lesson.


6 weeks after the Incident


   ... Not my fault,

Eli read on the old must pages beneath his fingers. This book dated roughly twenty years ago. Twelve years before the games started here in the manor. This book provided a little more information than he expected when he and Margaretha found it not too long ago. In fact, he found this writer mildly entertaining, if they didn't swear like a sailor. From what he could deduct, he was currently reading the writing of a young female, maybe her mid twenties or early. Eli could guess that this woman was also French based on the few passages that were written in it.

   ... that Mr Flemmings keeps on fucking things up. I swear he's doing it on purpose. Next thing I'll find is a the Pixie hanging from the top of my ceiling, ready to slice off my head. Thinking about it, I won't put it pass him. He'll most likely do it without a heartbeat, if we aren't thinking about the 'how' of course.


   I finally met the new survivor. Odd fellow he is. His alias is the Undertaker. He doesn't talk much, but from what I've heard is that he is quite the charmer. I wonder, if he was here a few months earlier, would he have given her a better funeral?

The Seer flipped the page to find that the entry had finished there, before picking up from another person's account. Seemingly making an account on things he just read. He nearly found himself annoyed that the same things were being repeated, but if he wanted to know the people, to understand the old inhabitants of this Manor, he had to read every single entry.

Eli was about to embark in his journey in search of the truth when Kurt walked in the Library with the Staff next to him. Each had large towering books tucked into their arms. At a glance he could tell they inscribed with different adventures and mappings of the world. Ms Fever and the Explorer seemed to be having a friendly chat. Tales of sailing and rivers spun out of her mouth. Putting small enthesis on certain words to create different effects. The Seer knew the story.

The story of Dudley and Stephens. Sailormen who turned to cannibalisms. Ms Fever threw on great Australian accents and tinged different tones of rough and hoarse men. She proceeded to tell the story of four sailors lost at sea, breaking the code and being claimed by the ocean. Never to break the codes again. Eli has heard a slightly different version. The two men responsible for cannibalising the poor lad were thrown into prison for murder. Kurt listened intently to every single word, shaking a little bit as he put down his stack of books. Eli took this moment to stand up and enter into their conversation.

   "Afternoon. Kurt, Fever." He gives a quick nod in respects to each person. Ms Fever returning to nod and the Explorer returning a wave. "Story of Dudley and Stephens? No?" He continued keeping the conversation flowing. The staff member smiles a little where Kurt gave out a small speak.

   "Sorry! The story sounded so real, trying not to leave my skin." Kurt gave another visible shiver. "But don't mind me! How are you doing Eli? Aren't you usually with Naib and them around this time?" Eli shrugged and held up the old rugged book he was reading before hand. He gave a quick explanation that he found it in the manor, and was curious of what the contents were. Kurt abruptly stopped with putting his books away.

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