Chapter 8

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The ladies woke up early to begin the process of getting ready, and met the driver in front of the hotel as arranged. Lyla wore a light pink summery dress with spaghetti straps and a full skirt, and a lacey overlay around the bodice. She had her piled on top of her head in something of a loose up-do with curls, some of them hanging down around her face. Katie wore a deep purple halter sundress, and curled some of her short blonde bob, but left her hair free and bouncy.

They were both quiet on the way to the courthouse, giving off a feeling that they were heading to a funeral and not a wedding. They were met at the courthouse by TJ and Travis, who were waiting for them in front of the building.

"Hello ladies," Travis said with a welcoming grin, his cheerful demeanor immediately lightening their mood.

"This is my best friend Travis," TJ said, introducing is friend, "and I'm TJ" he followed up, shaking Katie's hand as she stepped from the vehicle. "Travis, this is Lyla" he said, as he gave a nod in her direction. It was all very formal and stilted.

"Shall we?" TJ continued, as he offered Lyla his arm. And following his cue, Travis offered his arm to Katie. The ladies joined arms with the men and they all walked inside, made their way to the courtroom they were assigned, and sat down on the benches outside, waiting for their turn to enter.

"We should have done this in Vegas" Travis piped up cheerfully. "At least then we could have made a party out of it."

"That's what I said!" Katie giggled, giving Lyla a little squeeze.

"Yeah, but that's just more paperwork to file in California afterward. I'm up to my eyeballs in paperwork as it is" TJ said.

"I appreciate you handling everything," Lyla responded. "Just tell me where to sign" she followed up with a smile.

"Not a problem, this is all my mess anyway. I'd like to keep it as simple on your end as possible. So what do you ladies have planned for after we're done here?" TJ asked, trying to keep the mood light, and casual.

"Just some shopping, and then hanging out on the beach." Katie chimed in happily. "I haven't taken vacation days in forever, so this is a perfect opportunity for some fun in the sun."

The conversation continued like this until the group was called in for their turn in the courtroom.

TJ was focused on trying to keep up appearances, but inside he was struggling. This was nothing like what he had wanted for himself, and nothing like what he had envisioned when he and Diane had started the process of wedding planning, during their engagement. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness though, at the realization that this was his wedding day, to a stranger at the courthouse, who he likely would see very little of after today. Although there was a sense of pride he felt, when he could see the way others took note of his soon to be bride. She was lovely, and the dress she was wearing showed of a beautiful frame, and showed just enough leg to know that her proportions were perfect. Although there was a twinge of sadness in her eyes, her face was beautiful and the curve of her lips was adorable when she smiled gave him a half-smile.

Lyla was trying to project a calm exterior, but was definitely having second thoughts. She wasn't going to back out now, but she closed her eyes to calm her nerves. When she opened them again, she looked into TJ's eyes, and was actually able to calm down. He had kindness and understanding in his eyes. She was pretty sure he knew that getting married again wasn't something she had planned on being in her near future, but he had been very accommodating in all of the efforts to maintain personal distance through this whole process, which she genuinely appreciated.

TJ took a deep breath and smiled at Lyla as she looked into her eyes. She seemed hesitant and nervous, but he was truly grateful to her for her willingness to play out this charade on his behalf. The whole situation ludicrous in his mind, but he wanted her to know that he did really appreciate her.

The process was over pretty quickly, and the two gave each other a quick side-peck kiss when the officer of the court had told them they could kiss, and after they signed the required forms, they were done.

"I'll send you a copy of the certificate once everything has been filed with the state" TJ said to her in a business-like tone.

"Thank you, I would appreciate that" Lyla responded.

"Well, I guess that's it then, huh?" remarked Travis. "Congratulations, you crazy kids!" he joked. It was a little obnoxious, but Lyla appreciated his efforts at humor.

"Thank you," she said. "I guess that's it."

Not knowing what else to do, TJ extended his hand to shake hers, and after an awkward shake, and all four individuals looking back and forth at each other for a few seconds, the men started off in one direction, while the girls walked off in the other.

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