Among Us

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" Among Us "







3rd POV

Emma POV

I was scrolling through my phone while the younger ones were playing outside. Then I remembered that there was this game called "Among Us." I typed it in the search box and downloaded it and played it for a while and decided that my friends should play with me. "GUYS!" I yelled and they all came down to the living room and they were confused on why they were there. "What is it Emma." Norman questioned. "LETS PLAY A GAME!" I screamed. I could tell that some of them were covering their ears and others were confused. "W-what game?" Gilda questioned. "A Game called Among Us." I answered. "Sounds lame." I heard Ray complain. "Come on Ray don't be like that, it sounds fun." I heard Don say. "Yeah come on Ray." Nat said. "Ok, everyone download the game on your phones and i will explain the rules from there." I told them and they agreed.

*This point, the setting is that they are actually IN THE GAME

So~ Ye.

Emma POV Still

I made the game and waited for everyone to join, it took awhile but everyone got in. "So? What are the rules?" Anna questioned. "So, there will be 1 imposter and the rest are crewmates. The Crewmates job is to fix the ship and vote out the imposter. The Imposter is supposed to get rid of the Crewmates. If the Crewmates do their tasks or they vote out the imposter or imposters they win. But if the Imposter destroys the ship or gets rid of all the crewmates then they win." I said "Got it?" "Yeah, makes sense." Norman answered. "Well what are we waiting for, let's play!" Don cheered, I nodded and pressed start..

Let the Games Begin....

Norman - White

Ray - Black

Emma - Orange

Gilda - Dark Green

Don - Brown

Nat - Red

Anna - Yellow


Play allows so you can guess the imposter too.


3rd POV

Everyone spawned into the game and looked at their tasks. "Ok, so everyone, I feel like we should stay in groups? Sounds good?" Don questioned. "Why not." Nat answered. Everyone else nodded.


Norman & Ray

Emma & Anna

Gilda & Don & Nat


With Emma and Anna

They were heading towards Med-Bay and Emma was watching Anna do the scan. So she's innocent. Emma thought. As Anna finished her scan they made their way to Electrical where most of their tasks were.

On their way they passed Norman and Ray who went inside Reactor. And made it into Electrical where Emma was doing the wires. Anna was waiting for Emma to finish with the wires when she saw a vent move. Did that vent just move!? I need to tell E-. Anna turned around to see Emma dead on the floor and she was panicking on what to do. And as she was going to report her body she was greeted with Gilda, Nat and Don. Anna reported it.. And The First Emergency Meeting of the Day Started.

Norman X Ray / Norray One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now