𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤. - ch. 2

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you never though that it'd be like this. children and civilians were scattered out on the ground. it was visible from the sky too. rocks, broken wood, and blood everywhere. you know that you'd be facing things like this since you joined the scouts but it was so hard to get used to. how could something like this become a normal sight everyday?

"hey y/n! snap out of it! nows not the time for stargazing!" floch yelled. "i wasn't stargazing." you said coldly. "don't tell me your sympathizing with the enemy?" he asked. you knew what he was about to say so you walked away before you lost your cool. "they have been attacking us for hundreds of years! it's time for us to fight back!" floch yelled getting some of the soldiers to cheer him on. "why do these innocent children and civilians have to die for their nations doing?" you whispered to yourself, walking away. but you know you'd have to keep going. you'd have to put on a tough face. this is what you signed up for.

so far the scouts plan had been going well. you zipped through the city with sasha and connie, setting up lights on some of the rooftops. you were careful since you never know where an enemy might appear. "you doing okay, sasha?" you asked making sure she wasn't feeling sick or anything. "doing just fine over here. but honestly, i cant wait for this to be like over! ugh i just want some food!" she said groaning, holding her stomach. "oh, don't worry, i know for sure niccolo will have something ready for you when we get back." you said with a slight smirk. "really?! oh i can't wait." she said while drooling. "that's not what she meant sasha." connie said. "huh!? what do you mean? niccolo will probably have meat, lobster, and stew.." she said, drooling again. "seriously sasha, get ahold of yourself." you said, shaking your head and quietly chuckling. "anyways, connie how are you feeling?" you asked. "i honestly don't know why we had to do it this way, but i guess it's the only way." he said in a sad tone. "yeah.." you said, with slight frown.

you spot the jaw titan going for erens nape as he was about to eat the warhammer titan. "eren!" mikasa yelled. but captain levi came just in time, slicing through the titans jaw, causing the titan to stop.

suddenly, as you and the other scouts were about to attack the jaw titan from behind, someone comes shooting from behind. not someone, the cart titan. you remembered it from shiganshina. you saw your other comrades get shot, somehow you'd managed to move out of the way before it could shoot you. you fell and rolled into the ground, hiding behind a large rock. You see lightning and you quickly turn around to see the warhammer titan hardening causing eren to get stuck. if that wasn't worse enough you hear loud footsteps coming from the other direction. the beast titan. who was also there during shiganshina. You come out from behind the rock to go to the other scouts wheres captain levi is. "dont die one me! survive!" he orders. surviving. that's the most important thing.

you do as he says and meet up with the other scouts to resuply. while you were resupplying, the beast titan chucked rocks at us causing the ground to shake and small chunks of rock to go through the windows. "eren jeager is not my enemy. someone else comes first. show yourself, levi." the beast titan says.

you head on out back to the battlefield and see another bolt of lightning. this one was much stronger than the other one. boats get thrown into the sky because of the harsh winds. you quickly realized who it was. "armin.." you whisper to yourself.

The jaw titan starts running towards eren. mikasa quickly heads for the jaw titan along with you and the other scouts. "war chief, here come their attack!" before the cart could even say something else the beast titan falls. this distracts all of the titans, allowing you guys to attack the cart titan. the cart titan snaps out of daydreaming and begins attacking with their own gear. dodging her bullets in the air, you spot sasha hiding with her rifle. "sasha!" you yell as she gives you a slight nod. she aims and takes the shot. she did it. the person inside the cart titan stops shooting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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