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     It was a normal Saturday in the Black house, Sadie woke up from the sun shining through the windows, she really didn't mind the sunlight since there was barley sunlight in the house, it's always been dark. Sadie's parents don't like the warm bright sun, they like it dark, and cold. Sadie got off her bed onto the cold tile floor, and went to the bathroom, the bathroom had black tiles and grey walls. she was surprise how quiet the house was. She looked at the clock and it said 7:37 am.

   It's not that early, she thought to herself while walking in the dark long hallway.


   Sirius was running in hallway and stopped once he saw Sadie, trying to catch his breath.

   "Mums mad at me." He said out of breath.

   "What why?" 

   "SIRIUS ORION BLACK! GET BACK DOWNSTAIRS!" Walburga screamed at her oldest son.

   "Sirius, what did you do?"

   "I swear I did nothing!"

   "That didn't sound like nothing!"

   "I just told the house elf that mother was a old git, and she should get a life!"

   "Oh my-" But before Sadie could finish her sentence, they both heard angry foot steps coming upstairs. So, like normal people, they made a run for it.

   About an hour later, when the chaos was finally over, Sadie and Sirius went downstairs. When they got in the kitchen, they saw Kreacher, the house elf making breakfast for everyone. He was talking to himself, but he doesn't know that everyone can hear him. Most times, house elves are nice and love to work. Not Kreacher, he doesn't like the twins. He was fine with the others in the house.

   The twins sat down and started eating the food down. A few minutes later Walburga came in the room with a pleasant look on her face, with two letters in her hand.

   "What's that mother?" The little girl asked with her mouth full.

   "Please don't talk with your mouth full, and if you must know, its for you and Sirius." Walburga said disguised while handing them their letters.

   The twins let out a big gasped,

    "WE GOT OUR HOGWARTS LETTER!" The twins shout together while jumping up and down.

   "Calm down children! Regulus is sleeping still! Walburga yelled back. The twins were too eager to care that their mother yelled at them.

   "Lets open it!" Sirius said excited.

   They open their letters and see all the requirements, they both are very excited they will being going to Hogwarts soon, nothing could ruin their moment.

   "When can we go get out stuff?" Sadie asked eagerly 

   "We can go tomorrow." She answered

   The twins groaned. "Why can't we go today?" They said at the same time.

   "Because I said so! Now stop complaining before I take your letters away and you won't go to Hogwarts!" Walburga said bitterly.

   The twins upstairs for a little bit in Sirius' room and talked about Hogwarts and quidditch.

   "Yeah too bad first years aren't allowed to play, that's stupid." Sirius said.

   "I know right! But don't worry, we will make it on that team, do you think mother and father would like us playing quidditch?"

   "I would think so, I mean they are mean but they are not mean right?"

    Sadie and Sirius was way different from her mother or father, they are always smiling and happy all the time. They both hated their parents, their parents were rude, selfish, cruel, and only cared about blood status. Sadie didn't care about it at all, she always thought muggleborns, half-blood's, and purebloods were all the same. 

   "I think they would let us play it, I think the problem is that what if we don't be put in Slytherin?" Sadie said nervously. "I mean, I don't mind being in any other house. I mean its just a house. Right?" She added.

"You're right, but mother and father would be very very mad. I would like to be in any other house then Slytherin." Sirius said. "Slytherin is where all the deatheaters  and You-Know-Who supporters." He added.


   The twins and their mothers were in Diagon Alley getting the stuff they needed for Hogwarts. Regulus and Orion were at home because they didn't want to go, Walburga Also didn't want to go but she had to. Their mother gave muggleborns, and even half-bloods dirty looks. The twins were embarrassed with their mother's behavior, but they couldn't do anything about because they were only They eleven.

   "You two go get your wands, and everything else then meet me right here in a hour." Walburga said to her two children.  

   "Okay mum!" The twins said back.

    The twins were walking to the stores while talking about random stuff along the way, they got their wands, books, and other stuff, they went back to the place where Walburga have told them to meet up. When they get to the spot, they were looking around trying to look for their mother until they finally found her.

832 Words.

Hello! This is the first chapter of this story, ill try to post often. This is the first story I'm making, sorry if its bad, please tell me any tips or anything!

Please vote it really helps.

Chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow or Wednesday. :)

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