Creepypasta headcanons/interview

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First Question: What is you're past, if you don't mind me asking?

Slender: I....had a wife and two kids, twins in fact. We were happy, but, I was selfish and wanted immortality. I found.....him and we made a potion together. But....Mary found out. She threatened to take the kids and divorce me. I didn't want that to happen. So, I told him to disgard it. But, it was Zalgo. He poured black poison down Mary's throat. Her screams still haunt me in my nightmares. For my children......... Zalgo killed them. I will forever hate him.

Sally: I had a mommy and a daddy and my baby brother. Uncle Johnny came to visit that summer, for my birthday. One night, when Mommy was tucking me into bed, Uncle Johnny wanted to read me a story. Mommy let him, and went to get my brother ready. Then he....... well, he.... um.... I don't wanna talk about it. He told me not to tell Mommy or Daddy, or else.... The next day, I told Mommy and she....told me it was a dream. But she told Daddy and Uncle Johnny. A few days later, he wanted to go to the "grocery store". He asked Mommy and Daddy, but they said no. Then, that night, he took me from my room when Mommy and Daddy were sleeping. He took me in his truck and took me to the woods. He.....did it again, and I tried to run, but, he was faster. He smashed my head with a brick and stabbed me. Then, I was a ghost. I sat next to my dead body. Then, I heard cop cars. And Mommy ran over to me and started to cry really loud, like she was screaming. I forgive my mommy and daddy for not beleiving me. I miss them so,so, much! My baby brother just turned five a couple of weeks ago. I keep over them. I'm getting a baby sister soon!

BEN: I'm not going to say much, but I had a really nice mother. She had long, blond hair. And green eyes. And a dick of a father, like Toby had. Long story short, he took me outside one day and gouged my eyes out, and drowned me. My mother had just gotten home from visiting my grandma in Boston, and saw me in the water. I can still hear her screaming, "Ben! Ben! Please...No! I can't lose another one! Benjamin Lawman! Wake up! Please, Ben! Wake up!" Honestly, it brings me to tears when I think about it.

A/N: Well, Part 2 should be out tommorow 

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