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A few months later


Sho: I think this is it.

Mei: Yes. Thank you for helping me out.

We were at my new apartment, unpacking the boxes.

How did this happen? I decided I wouldn't be a puppet anymore, so Father had come home to help me get out of my shackles. The past few months were hectic, such that it had been two months since I last saw Yuzu. Ever since my birthday—the one in which Yuzu was amazing and 'single-handedly' made it the best day of my life, hands down—we had been practically inseparable. Until Grandfather happened.

I can't even begin to tell you how hard these two months at home have been for me, away from my Yuzu. She had had an important paper to present today, due to which she couldn't come to help me unpack.

As soon as Father wiped off his sweat, I turned towards him and said-

Mei: Father, thank you once again, for helping me out. I really appreciate it. - I said as I bowed down to him.

He held my shoulders with care and spoke, with happiness overflowing his eyes:

Sho: It's no big deal, Mei. Ever since I had left the Aihara family, I had wanted to change the traditional setup by approaching the higher-ups. So, whatever achievements I have made are the stepping stones for the warpath ahead. So if my plan goes well - he made me face the mirror by the side - you will be free, too, Mei.

Free. I loved the sound of it.

I really loved my father, no matter how big of a jerk he was. We loved each other in the way fathers and daughters love each other—a little on the shy and awkward side. I never hugged him tightly like Yuzu sometimes did with her mother. Nor would he kiss me all over. But he would be ready to sacrifice anything for me, and recent events only proved it.

But the one who made me see my Father with new light was the one I loved with all my heart.

I turned to face him.

Mei: I...with what I've gone through, I'm really glad that you're by my side. But what helped me see this way, is all thanks to Yuzu. - I smiled as I mentioned my beloved. On seeing that, Father was undeniably surprised. I continued - And that's why from now on, I will follow my heart and do what I wish to do.

He smiled and patted my head.

Sho: You've grown into a beautiful young woman, Mei. - I blushed. - Umm...Mei, about Yuzu...you guys are 'together' together right?

Confused, I nodded while tilting my head to the side.

Sho: You know, if you have any questions about something, you can always come to me and ask.

Did I forget to mention that I loved my Father too much so as to not strangle him?

Mei: Are you talking about...things regarding love?

The smile on his face faltered. He was going to say something when I heard the door open, saving me from this awkward moment.

Mats: Oops, looks like the party hasn't started. AWWCH! Haru what was that for?

Satan himself sent his human counterpart to save me, along with her now-girlfriend, who's way too good for her. Plus Himeko.

Haru: Behave, idiot! Oh, pardon the intrusion Aihara-san. And good morning, Mr. Aihara.

Hime: Oh, hey MeiMei! I hope I'm not too late as I was caught up by these...people.

Mei: You're always welcome here Himeko and Taniguchi-san. Please come inside.

Mats: Hey, what about me, Mei-san? - Miss Bubblegum Devil asked as she smirked.

I ignored her and showed them the way in. Father went out for an urgent call, which I perceive to be his extreme shyness on meeting his only daughter's best friends.

Haru: Wow, looks like you guys have finished most of the work. I'm sorry but my sister had asked me to run an errand for her and this idiot was uselessly tagging along. Not that I would let her help, without my supervision.

Mei: No one would ever want that, Taniguchi-san.

Hime: Seconded.

Needless to say, I clicked with Taniguchi-san more, even though I've only met her a few times.

Mats: Hey! Can you guys stop talking about me as if I'm not there? Anyways what's up with you and Yuzu-chan! I hardly see her call you nowadays, although she's busier with her projects and shit, but...any progress in sex, or should I assist??

The answer she received was a karate chop on the head, from her girlfriend.

Haru: I knew you had finished off that Yamazaki bottle! Please pardon her brazenness Aihara-san. Apologize, idiot!

Mei: It's ok, I don't care.

Mats: See, Mei-san doesn't mind after all. AIIIIIYYYYOO! - and Taniguchi-san ran after Matsuri.

Taking a seat to calm the madness, I motioned Himeko to do the same.

Hime: Ahh, how time has flown! One moment you were with your grandfather obeying whatnot, and now we're here in your apartment as you open a new chapter of your life.

Mei: Indeed. - I then turned towards her. - Himeko, I never really thanked you for inviting me to that party. I-

Hime: N-No worries, MeiMei! As much as it is hard to believe that that unruly blonde is your lover, I also admire her, for she could get through your strong walls, which I hardly can. So, if you let me be by your side as a friend while you explore your horizons, I will be there and gladly support the relationship you have.

Mei: Thank you, Himeko...please don't stop calling me MeiMei...and stay as an important person to me.

At that she burst into tears and hugged me tightly, muttering "Gladly" in my ear. She then lets go of me and voices the same thought that has been on my mind since morning.

Hime: So, where is she?

A bike honks outside my apartment and my heart skips a beat. I know that sound; how can I not? We look at each other for a second and rush to the window. There, next to a smirking pinkette and a grinning tall auburn-haired woman, in a green Yuzubocchi T-Shirt and worn-out grey jeans, was the best sight in the world, looking up at me and smiling.

The end...or the beginning? 

Sex isn't the best way to end a story - Yours Truly.

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