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Brutish hands feverishly beat on the drums
Emitting sounds that threaten to split my heart open
War cries echo all around
Drowning out every other sound
Including the ominous rumbling of thunder

Bloodstained flags blow in the wind in all their gory glory
Silhouetted against a sky shrouded with stormclouds
The enemy has won and he knows it
Chants of victory rent the air
Threatening to smash my eardrums into smithereens

The adversary goads me with fearsome screams
That hit home
Drilling a crater of desolation in my heart
All hope is lost
I am vanquished and captured

Once a gentle lamb
Loyal as a dog and vicious as a bear guarding her cubs
I was conveniently coaxed into the lion's lair
My poor maid's heart fired with the conviction
That freedom was barely out of reach

I had always known that I was outmatched
But, the voice of reason meant little
When a flame of hope had been burning brightly in my heart
Now reality hits me in form of my people and my blood
Lifeless, their blood pooling in the corrupted territory of the enemy

I myself, am not a better sight
My body is so battle-worn that every breath is torture
The enemy tramples upon me
His foot burning a searing brand onto my bent back
Crushing any resolve left in me and cracking my bones

Blood pours from my mouth
Life is slowly ebbing from my body
I'm the picture of defeat
A picture that is aesthetically pleasing to the enemy
A picture that depicts crushed dreams

So this is the end
My last moments I spend thinking about how unfair life is
Wishing I could bid mother goodbye
Wishing I could buy myself a few more hours
I would make a difference in that short time

Alas, my time is up
All my dreams, my aspirations, my desires
Are utterly out of reach
My soul is leaving my body
My blood is leaving my body

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