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I woke up to the sound of happy birthday playing and the smell of burning candles, it was natile and David standing over me singing happy birthday with a cupcake with two candles in it. I smiled at him and blew the candles out. 

"Happy birthday ruby we got you a gift" He handed me a bag that had pink crome hearts on it 

"Thank you guys you didn't have to do this." I smiled at them and opened the present.

An orange box that said 'Louis Vuitton's on it, my eyes went straight up to them my mouth was wide open.

"Oh my fucking god are you crazy," I yelled

When opened the box and it was an lv brown bracelet with a V on it, I put it on my wrist.

"I love it so much, thank you," I told them

"If she likes this present so much I can't wait for her to see the others..." Natalie said smiling, I rolled my eyes

"You both are ridiculous but seriously this is the nicest thing ever you didn't have to get me anything," I told them

"It's your big 16th and 1st with us." He was laughing I really do like this man and nat of course

"Ok ok get out I need to get ready," I said getting out of bed David put his hands up and walked out of the room slowly.

I was going to school today, I haven't seen Max since his 16th birthday, he doesn't come to school it's like he disappeared I just don't know how to handle that situation I haven't talked to him since outback. I do have friends now well 2 friends they're nice kinda bitchy but isn't every 16 yr old.

I pulled out my same old boring uniform and put it on I really don't wanna go to school it's exhausting but I think David is still going to let me have dinner with my friends at Nobu he's so weird I don't know why he wants me to have it there so much I think he just wants me to know that I'm loved I guess. 

I walked outside my door David had my favorite breakfast a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel and an iced caramel coffee waiting for me on the kitchen island.

"I love these thank you," I told him and sat down and began to eat my bagel.

"I didn't think you would want a slice of cake this early in the morning so we got you this also we have another little something for you before school." He told me leaning down and grabbing something that was on the floor.

"Oh god, David why do you spoil me I'm going to be like all those girls at my school." I smiled and put my foot down, he rolled his eyes and handed me this medium-sized bag.

"Just open it, weirdo." I listened to him when he said that and opened it. It was kind of heavy i took out the first thing and it was an apple watch the newest one.

"Oh my god, David thank you this is too much I cant believe it." I opened it and it was a black band with a black Apple watch he watched me put it on.

"If you don't like the band we can switch it out." He seemed very nervous.

"I love it, shut up," I told him and reached my hand in the bag I pulled out a shirt from aviator nation a pink lightning bolt, and chevron

"I love it thank you I'm gonna wear it tonight when I get home from school." I reached into the bag and it was the matching sweat pants from aviator nation, then looked up at him and smiled and put it next to me.

i pulled out the last thing and it was a black box that said David Yurman on it, oh my fuck I opened it and it was the silver ring with the gold running across it.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP." I yelled and got up and hugged him, he hugged me back and I just kept saying 'thank you' over and over and over.

"Your welcome does it fit?" he asked and I put it on, it fit like a glove I loved it.

"It fits perfect thank you so much I appreciate this so much, but we have to get going soon school start in like 45 mins," I told him and ran to my room to set up my new apple watch when I walked in my bedroom door max was standing in the middle of the room and I jumped. what the fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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