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Iwaizumi never had any fangirls. Or rather he didn't bother to check if he had any fangirls. He already knew that all the girls there were for his childhood friend, Oikawa. So why bother to even spare a glance at the girls? 

Well, if he did. He would notice that there was one girl cheering for him. One girl always waiting to congratulate him after his game was over. However, he always walked away not even noticing (h/c) haired girl. 

However, this girl was determined to gain his attention. To let him know that she was cheering him on. To let him know that he was as good as a player as his famous team mate.

It was another game. Another victory. Another failed attempt to get his attention. All she wanted was to for him to notice her. 

However, she had a plan this time. She was going to wait for him to come out of the gym to stop and congratulate him. 
(y/n) waited for him to step out the front of the gym, no matter how long it took. 

However, when more time passed by her hope for to see him started diminish. Was there another exit that she wasn't aware of? Probably, with her luck. 

With a defeated sigh, she sat on the concrete steps, left to wallow in her failure. 
'Why can't he just notice me?'

The sound of shoes slapped against the concrete. She didn't look up though. Figuring it was just another person, getting ready to go home. 

There was a heavy sigh, not one from (y/n) though. It was deeper and heavier. More male like. 

"Oikawa already left." 

(y/n)'s eyes widen hearing that voice. In a quick second she whipped her head towards the direction of the voice. 
Her hopes were immediately brought up seeing the dark haired ace. 

Her heart immediately started beating faster and she immediately got flustered. She didn't know she was going to react this way, and it was rather embarrassing. 

She immediately stands up to face him. She had to look up at him. Not because of his height, but because he was two steps above her. 

"N-no. I'm not here for him. I'm here for you!" 

An eyebrow raised hearing her words. He wasn't used of someone waiting for him. Especially a pretty girl at that. 

"I wanted to give this to you." She says pulling a single white rose out of her bag. 
"I also wanted to let you know that you're doing amazing! And that I will always be cheering for you at every game. Keep up the good work!" 

A bright blush now covered his face. He definitely wasn't expecting this. A pretty girl cheering for him and giving him flower. It was like his brain stopped working. He pulled himself together and grabbed the flower from her smaller hands. 

"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, by the way." 
"I'm (l/n)(y/n)!" 

Iwaizumi gave the girl a smile. Even her name was pretty. 

"Can I walk you home?" He asks with out even thinking. 

(y/n)'s eyes widen at his question, a blush forming on her face. She wasn't expecting that offer. All she was expecting was for her to cheer him on. She didn't know how to respond to his question. 

"I... I mean. I feel it's my responsibility. You did wait for me to come out after all. I would hate for you to walk home by yourself so late." 

(y/n) calms her heart down before nodding her head.

"I would love that. Thank you." 

Word Count: 595

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