A Rift in Thyme

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Classics P.O.V. :
After getting out of my bed, which felt like I aged five years doing, I walk down stairs to find Fell... "sleeping" on the couch.
"Heya, whatcha doin' there?" Classic says as he walks over to sit down next to Fell.
Fell "wakes up" and says, "I'm just trying to sleep, but I can't I keep having the same nightmare over and over again." 'That's a little weird, maybe it's like that one comment- or I mean one of my old "nightmares" but for mustard...' I wonder.
"I think I have a clue what that nightmare could be."
"What do you think it is?" Fell inquiries.
*It's probably about him being the King of Tomatoes, his favorite thing!* Frisk says snickering from the kitchen area before jumping onto the couch, next to the Sans'. *is it just me or did it feel like I was waiting there for two years...* Frisk asks.
"It's just a thyme rift, don't worry about it" Classic says as he turns and winks at us.
"Hahahaha! Oh man it's been so long since I've heard a pun! Also I fricking hate tomatoes!" Fell snickers roughly. Frisk looks at me seriously, and then bursts out laughing.
*I can't believe we are doing this! Since we're all here, shouldn't we watch a movie or something?* Frisk asks a little... weirdly... 'hmmmm... why not? That sounds like a good idea!' I think to myself.
"Sure! What do you think we should watch? Any ideas, Frisk?"
*hmmmm. What about that one romance movie? Or that one transformers movie from the dump?* Frisk asks, and looks inquisitively at me and Fell.

Frisk's P.O.V. :
I ask the two of them which movie we should watch, and we sit there for a minute, or more. I look over at Fell who seems like this is the biggest decision he's ever had to make in his life, and Classic who has the same expression, but softer.
In unison they both say, "How about we watch the-"

Hey guys! Long time no see! Sorry that it's been like a year, I was reading the comments and I felt inspired! I'm so glad that all of you are so patient with this, and I'm sorry for the cliffhanger! Again, if you have any suggestions, please tell me! Also I plan to have the lemon part in like 5-8 parts, I don't really like writing lemon, but I promised that I would eventually. I don't know how long I plan to make this, but at least ten more chapters! Alright, thank you for reading, till next time friends!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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