one return flight to okinawa, please

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The day had finally come. The students flooded into the plane carriage and picked their seats that they had planned.

After throwing up about 10 times, Kaido had passed out on Yumehara's shoulder, her face flushed red.
That's so cute. You turned to look at Aren. Most of your conversation was small talk and it didn't seem like he liked you in that way. You rested your head on his shoulder.
I'll deal with it when I wake up.

When you woke up, you expected Aren to have moved your head onto your neck pillow but it still lay on his shoulder.
His shoulders are really strong. Was he a past gang member or something? Just kidding, that's stupid.
His hand rested on your forehead, making sure your head didn't fling off due to the turbulence. The act of kindness made your heart beat a bit faster.
She's kind of cute. (Aren)

Good grief.
Now I have to babysit her and her new boyfriend. This will be hard. I've already stopped the plane from crashing twice.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now