Battle Between The Strongest

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Somewhere In The Universe

"What is happening in the universe right now?"

"Seem like the god are trying to destroy humanity Beerus-sama."

"Tch. Those arrogant piece of shit. How long will it take for us to travel there Whis?"

"2 hours, Beerus-sama."

"Then let us go now."

Back to Arena

"Follow on from the first lose of the god! The second fighter on the god side!"

The door on the god side blew open.

"He is the wielder of Mjolnir! His swing can split open the sea and break a mountain! If he don't fight then who will! LIVE BY FIGHTING! DIE BY FIGHTING! He is the God Of Thunder! THOR!!!"

The crowd erupt into cheers as Thor walk into the arena.

'Let hope they send someone strong....' Thor thought.

"Now, for the fighter of the human side!"

Footsteps can be heard from the human side entrance.

"He is the one who cut down multiple ships with just a single slash of his black blade! He is the one that travel across all the seas! He is one of the Seven Warlod Of The Sea! He is the one that wield the black blade Yoru! He is the strongest swordman! DRACULE MIHAWK!!!!!!"

Mihawk walk out of the entrance with a menacing look while shooting a piercing glare at Thor.

"WIN FOR US DARLING!!! SHOW THEM WHAT YOU CAN DO!!!" Perona cheer out loud.

"Darling? Since when did they- Oh... OHHHHHH...." Zoro look very dumbfounded at their relationship. "So they fucked."

"THAT WAS TOO STRAIGHT FORWARD YOU FUCKING GREEN HEAD!" Sanji slap Zoro on the back of his head.

"They are so noisy...." Mihawk mutter out loud.


Mihawk took out Yoru and rush at Thor while the latter swing Mjolnir forward as the two clash against eachother.

'THIS STRENGTH!' Thor became more excited for the fight as they both clashes.

'This guy is stronger than Kaido and Shank!' Mihawk thought.

Thor jump back and look at Mihawk before he grab Mjolnir with both hands.

He bend his body and make it look like he is about to fall.

"He is using that move against a human?!?!" Ares said.

"No... he is acknowledging the strength of this human." Hermes reply.

Mihawk change his stance into a defensive position ready to take on the attack that the god will throw at him.


A loud boom can be heard and massive lightning strucked down the arena as both Gods and Humans look in awe.

All seem lose until-


A green wave of energy slash across Thor's torso creating a deep gash on his body.

The smoke and dust clear and Mihawk could be seen holding the sword in a striking position as both of his arms is pure black. He also have a large burn mark on his left shoulder.

"You... You are strong!" Thor grin widely while looking at Mihawk.

"Not bad... not bad...." Mihawk compliment Thor.

Both of them look at each other and have the same thought.

'This guy is the strongest enemy I have ever face!'

"Do me a favor and don't die on me too quickly, HUMAN!!!" Thor demand as he swung Mjolnir at Mihawk so fast Mihawk could only block and dodge with his Observation Haki.

Each swing keep getting stronger and faster making it very hard for Mihawk to keep blocking.

Mihawk slash upward catching Thor offguard as he quickly spin his body 360° and slash at Thor abdoment horizontally.

Thor endure through the pain and swung down his hammer at Mihawk but the latter swiftly slice at Mjolnir breaking on of Thor glove and cause a crack on his hammer.

The audience gasp at the fact that Thor hammer was crack and begin melting.

However, it didn't crack because it was breaking apart. But it crack because of its awakening.

"Finally. Guess I won't be needing this." Thor took off his other glove and drop them on the ground creating a huge crater. The glove wasn't made to protect Thor from Mjolnir power, infact it's the opposite. The glove was made to prevent Thor from going all out with his power.

Mjolnir reform and it was visibly bigger with veins popping from it.

"You finally wake up huh?"

Mihawk look before adjusting his coat and get into his stance.

"So you decide to go all out huh?"

Thor just grab his hammer tightly before saying.

"Let end this in one move."

Mihawk dash at Thor at a great speed as Thor swung his hammer down very hard causing lightning and green energy to erupt everywhere as smoke and dust began to gather.

As smoke and dust clear out everyone could see Mjolnir sliced in half and Yoru was broken into pieces. The two fighters was in a very bad shape. Thor manage to smash off Mihawk upper left side body and face as Mihawk had his right hand on Kogatana and stab it into Thor chest.

"You... you are the strongest I've ever faced, Mihawk...." Thor said as he took out Kogatana off his chest and also take the sheath from Mihawk neck. He then proceed to wear it. "I will keep this as a reminder that I once fought against you... you have my respect..." Thor then walk out of the arena bruised and battered.

Mihawk's body began glowing and disintegrate into thin air as his hat was blown by the wind to Perona who was crying out loud.

"M-m-mihawk...." The hat land on her head as she tried to calm down.

"The winner of the second round is THOR!!!!" The gods cheer out loud.

Winner : Thor

Match Length : 4 Minutes 21 Seconds

Deciding Move : Thor Hammer

With Zeus

He was glad that Thor win. But he was worried for the entire fight cause if Thor misses by a single inch then that would mean his life.

With Brundhilde

She was lost for word. The strongest swordman lose to the Strongest in Asgard.

She have to be very careful on who to pick next.

She look at the list and see all the fighters.


Vali Lucifer
Susano'o No Mikoto
God Of Light
God Of Darkness


Dracule Mihawk
Tokiwa Sougo
Giorno Giovanna
Godai Yusuke
Kamado Tanjiro
Toshinori Yagi
Jeff The Killer
Soichi Isurugi
Qrow Branwen
Monkey D Luffy
Trafalgar D Water Law

As she finish the bottom of the paper show the next fighter for god.


'Shit.' That's what she thought

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