His maid, Enchanted

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Astre woke up to the sound of a gentle hum, it was quite strange to wake up that way. It was not an everyday occurrence that he would hear anyone but his butler's voice first thing in the morning. It was quite relaxing. It has been so long since he could wake up to the soothing sound of his Nana singing to him...

His eyes then shot open at the realization of who's the voice he was hearing. His eyes were greeted by the sight of the very woman whose face littered all of his childhood memories. Her hair was down falling into beautiful ebony waves with ringlets at the ends, the kind that girls spent ours on doing for balls. She was humming and reading a book, she seemed so interested in its contents. The dim candlelight caused her features to stand out even more. Even though no one  was around she sat straight and did not slouch, maintaining the regal air that always surrounded her in the company of others. 

She is so beautiful,  he noted as he continued to study her,

"I have been told that it is rude to stare" she commented, her eyes not leaving the book,

"Hmm, well I am just getting used to seeing you again 'tis all," he replied gruffly, his voice had not fully broken yet, however, some mornings such as this, it was deeper than usual, her eyes widened at the sound and trailed her gaze to his still sleepy-looking eyes that were already on her, 

"G-Good morning, my prince," she cooed, her stutter giving away how taken aback she was at the sound of his voice, this caused her to blush. The boy watched her and a smirk slowly made its way to his face, 

"Good morning my Nana, I am glad that you being here was not just a dream," he said, giving her a full smile to show his true appreciation, as well as all charm he could muster, rather entertained at his maid's lack of composure. Her blush went slightly deeper but she soon composed herself and smirked,

"You little devil, how dare you woo me so early in the morning, while your fiance is present in your manor," she chided, almost seductively making the boy's eyes go wide and his breath hitch in the back of his throat. Seeing that she had the upper hand again repaired her confidence and soon she put down her book and crawled closer to him. The boy's blush darkened,

"W-w-wait.." he tried as she finally pinned him to the mattress of his bed,

"Whatever for, my darling? Was it not you who initiated what is to come," she asked teasingly leaning her head down to meet his gaze,

"For w-what?" he tried, then suddenly felt her hands run up and down his sides, as she leaned closer, Astre felt like his body was on fire at her advances and did his best to not get too excited. 

Additionally, he did his best not to pay too much attention to the fact that her nightgown had ridden down and that from the angle she was on top of him, he could see down her nightgown as well. Their noses were just barely touching and her eyes seemed to glow at him, her hand finally stopped at a sensitive spot on his waist. His eyes flickered between her lips and eyes, he did his best not to let it linger too long on her lips. He could feel her cool breath on his face causing the burning of his cheeks to numb. His eyes began to flutter closed in anticipation of the sweet destiny ahead. 

That is why he did not catch her moment of hesitance, her eyes on his lips, her eyes glow in lust, widen is shock at her own behaviour and then the smirk as she started tickling him on the same sensitive spot on his waist that had always been his weak spot when it came to tickle wars. 

His eyes shot open and he tried to wiggle from her tickling torturous grasp. Any silence that filled the air moments before had been replaced by a steady stream of laughter. True joyous laughter had become such a stranger to him that it took him a moment to realize that it was his own laughter filling the air. He was so out of practice, that his laughter sounded something similar to a cackle, this caused her eyebrows to shoot up and also join in the laughter, causing them both to laugh more.

Even though the torture of having his sides tickled, he could not help but be enamored by the sound of her laugh. He could not even understand why, it was not high-pitched most girls that made his ears want to bleed, but it was not low-tone enough to be considered unattractive. It was a balance between the two.  A perfect balance that made his heart race. Perhaps it was a vampire thing? 

"Shhhh," she hushed him through her own giggles, 

"Your fiance is sleeping on the same floor, lest you wish for her to wake up upon finding you in bed with your maid," she teased and tickled him with more vigor, causing him to clamp his own hands over his mouth to prevent them from being discovered. 

Finally, when she was satisfied,  she removed her hands from his sides allowing him to finally catch a breath. She looked down at what once was a boy- soon be a man laying on the bed below her. His voice made it painfully clear that she had been away for a very long time and that he was no longer the little boy who used to cling to her in every waking moment.  He lay beneath her, panting from his tickle torture, his cheeks rosy from trying to maintain the volume of his laughter. Face glistening from the strain of laughter. She could not help but note that the sight was quite alluring.  The fact that he was very 'happy' to see her was not helping either. Especially from her angle and position. 

"Good morning Young Mas-" Sebastian said as he wheeled into the room with his master's morning tea and newspaper on a cart, but paused at the sight before him. The maid  (whose nightgown's neckline was very, very low) eyes glowed as she stared down at their master, who happened to be panting, sweating, and blushing. Straddling him, no less. 

What a compromising position, he smirked

"My my young master, I knew that you and your handmaid were close, but never did I think this close," he commented, smirking as his master's blush grew darker. He wheeled the cart in closer, the maid did not seem to be in a rush to get out of their position. 

I thought that she was only tickling my master before, (based on what I could hear from the kitchen with my enhanced hearing) however, this really does look like I underestimated their morning activities, especially the way that she is flaunting her cleavage, thought Sebastian, as his eyes trailed back to the women's breast, even though he was a demon, he was still male. 

She did not seem to notice. Her mind was occupied with other enchanting thoughts. However, their master did, his eyes trailed to where Sebastian's gaze was. He pulled her closer which made her fall onto him, he did not care though, because it covered her, as he scowled at his butler. 

Only then she realized what had taken place and looked up at Astre from his chest. A small smile graced her face as she reached up to cup his face, effectively calming him,

"I shall take my leave," she started, she stuck her face into his neck giving it one last kiss, and watched as he looked like he was about to protest, 

"Unless you would like me to stay and assist your butler in dressing you?" she asked innocently, although amusement was clearly dancing in her eyes, as he started blushing, 

"Y-You may leave," he stuttered out, 

"What a pity, " she pouted teasingly, as she got up and walked behind the dressing divider, changing into her uniform in what seemed like an instant to them, 

"I will not be far, my lord," she said as she looked at the boy who did not move since she left his bed and winked at him. 



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