Chapter 19

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Jareth looked down at Sarah one last time he couldn't leave her here in this place, no, dead of alive Sarah was coming back with him. Hoggle, Ludo, Sr Didymus and Ambrosius waited outside the door a few minutes later Jareth came out of the room carrying Sarah just as they turned around the corner instead of turning into another hall way they were back at the labyrinth.

Approaching the castle goblins kept coming up to their king asking and congratulating him on his marriage to Edna, however all of this interrupting by pesky goblins was stopping Hoggle and the others from trying to explain the situation.


"Not now, I must prepare funeral arrangements"

"But Jareth!" more goblins and other creatures kept interrupting asking about the girl he carried finally Ludo blurted out over top of everyone "BUT SARAH NOT DEAD"

"Jareth turned around "What did you say?"

"It's true your highness, that's what we have being trying to explain to you she's not really dead,"

Jareth called his guards and told them to take Sarah to his room and not let anyone in, they then continued to tell Jareth about the miracle goblin and what he had done "I want members of my army to go out and find that goblin and bring him here at once."

Jareth went storming out of the castle to seek the wise man he needed advice regardless of his annoying hat, with out knocking the king came barging in "ah your majesty" the wise man said " how was your wedding?"
"Yes how is the witch!" Asked that hat
"Don't even bring up that subject I'm sick of it I need your help with a certain matter," the wise man waited for his king to continue
"It's Sarah she is weak, when I saw her I thought she was dead but her friends tell me she is not even though I can not wake her,"
"You can not wake her Sr "
"Ha hows that for brain power?" The wise man just rolled his eyes "well then what is it you need from me?"
"I need you to figure out how she can be woken some goblin mirical worker gave her some kind of potion and I don't know what to do, my gaurds are bringing the goblin to me,"
" well I will have to learn what it was he gave her after I find out we will begin working on a solution." The king of the goblins was satisfied and left heading back to his castle.

Hours went by and finally they had found the goblin "here he is your highness" pushing him forward, " so your the one responsible for Sarah's condition,"
"Do not blame me your highness those three creatures gave me good money I was only doing my job,"
"I don't care what you were doing I want Sarah to wake up she's been out cold, so I want you to eaither fix Sarah yourself or go down to see the wise man and he will figure out something," the goblin hesitated and said that he was very busy which was a lie
" if you do not do what I say I will throw you into the bog of stench!" So the goblin obeyed.

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