Chapter 17

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Madison Fox

I knocked on the front door's of my home, mother and father left the Malfoy manor last night, I had gotten floo powder to come back here, I made sure to wake up early so I wouldn't go back so late.

My mom opened the door's and her lips curled up softly "Madison come in"

"I wanted to talk to you about something" I walked in keeping my eyes locked on her's so she could know I was serious

She stayed quiet for a while observing me, she nodded "Let's head back to the garden"

We both walked in silence to the back of the manor, we finally made it outside and I kept my gaze to the front "Where's father?"

"He'll be here shortly" She replied flatly not bothering to look at me

"Draco told me you two had something to tell me, he couldn't tell me himself" I bit my lip waiting anxiously for the answer I was going to get

She turned her head towards me and looked down slowly "I didn't have a say in this, your father-"

The door's to the back opened and my father walked through, a curious expression on his face, "Madison what are you doing here?"

I looked between my parents before turning my attention back to my father "I believe you two have something to inform me on, seeing as my boyfriend couldn't"

He chuckled lowly shaking his head and heading towards us "I see, well why don't we all take a seat" He gestured towards the white sofa near the fountain

I took a seat in the solo sofa across from them, my father brought his fingers to his temple "Lucius and I came to an agreement"

"What kind of agreement?" I raised an eyebrow at him and took in a deep breath

"You and Draco are to marry after your 8th year of Hogwarts" His voice trailed off as my heart stopped

Marriage, I knew it was going to come up sooner or later, my mother herself had an arranged marriage with my father, they soon came to love each other during the marriage. However, Draco and I were only 16, and we were dating but that was it. I liked him, but I don't know if I was in love with him, at least not yet. I should feel relived to not have to marry someone I don't know but everything is happening so fast.

"Madison" My mother snapped me out of my thoughts as she held my hand in front of me

"I have to go" I shook my head and stood up quickly, my hands slipping out of my mother's

"Madison, it was going to happen eventually, you shouldn't be mad" My father grabbed my arm in an attempt to stop me

I let go of his grasp and nodded "Right" I dragged my feet to the inside of the manor and grabbed floo powder "Malfoy Manor"

I walked out of the black fireplace and Narcissa approached me slowly "Madison are you okay?"

I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled softly at her "I'm okay"

"I see you heard about the agreement, come let's have tea" She stepped aside and we both walked towards the dining table

"Effie" Narcissa shouted as we took seats in the cold dining table, a small house elf appeared "What may I get you Misses Malfoy"

"Earl grey tea" Narcissa nodded towards the elf and the elf snapped her finger's and left quickly

"It's.......rather difficult, an arranged marriage" She intertwined her hands in front of her and looked down at them "Lucius and I, we never agreed on things"

Effie appears with the tea and set down cups in front of us, she poured tea in our cups and left quickly, the smell of bergamot quickly rose to my nose

Narcissa took a sip from her cup and set it down softly "Draco however is nothing like his father, he can have tantrums of course but again he's nothing like his father, I've seen the way he is with you, the way he looks at you, Lucius never looked at me that way, Draco talks about you a lot, he sends me letter's here and there, but don't tell him I said that"

A blush creeped up into my cheeks and I laughed softly shaking my head "I won't " 

She smiled at me and took my hands in her's "I very much want you for Draco, I've never seen him this happy"

I felt my heart go warm and I squeezed her hands softly in a comforting matter "I couldn't be happier"

Someone cleared their throat at the entrance of the dining table, we both turned towards the sound and Draco was standing there squinting his eyes at us "What are you two doing?"

"Were having a chat Draco" Narcissa let go of my hands slowly and chuckled

"Madison come on, I have something to show you" Draco nodded towards the door with a sly smile

"Thank you so much for the tea" I smiled softly at Narcissa and got up slowly from my seat

"Of course, I'll always be here for anything dear" Narcissa smiled brightly at me and then back at Draco

I began walking towards Draco, who had an annoyed expression on his face, we both left the dining room and he cleared his throat "I assume you spoke to your parents"

"Yeah I did" I nodded slightly, we walked in silence till we reached the top of the stairs, he led me back to his room and thats when I spoke up "So what do you need to show me?" 

"You'll see" He turned to me with his devilish smirk and began walking towards his window, he opened it and reached for my hand, he stepped out of the window and climbed to the top with out hands still together, I followed every one of his steps till we made it to the top

He had blankets thrashed on the floor of the roof, he sat down and patted the seat next to him, which I willingly took, he threw the 2 blankets over us and put his arm around me, and suddenly the coldness outside turned into warmth 

My breath caught in my throat as I looked out at the view before me, I never realized how big the property was till now, "It's beautiful up here"

"Yeah,I come up here frequently" He spoke with his usual voice but this time there was a tint of sadness "We have no choice, you can always try talking to your father, but you know I can't"

I turned my head slowly to look at him, his eyes mixed with sadness and coldness, "I'd rather marry you than some guy I don't even know Draco"

He let out a sigh and looked down at his rings before speaking up "I don't want to turn out like my father"

I grabbed his hand in mine and held it with both of my hands "Draco your nothing like your father"

His mouth turned up a fraction of an inch, he pulled me in closer to him as we both stared into the view, just a moment of peacefulness and no worries with him were all I would try to savior,even the little ones.

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